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green_settlements.png Fortniteland

It exists in our hearts

Founder Hyperrblu
Contributors Redtrexler
Category Settlements
Underground? No
Fortified? Extremely
Public access? No
Public build? No
Size north to south 0m
Size west to east 0m
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=-1234
Dimension your imagination
Map Link

What is Fortniteland?

Fortniteland is an imaginary settlement themed around fortnite and other "hip" things. it is mostly only mentioned by Hyperrblu, when they run away from attackers (usually just RedTrexler) Hyperrblu has plans to actually make fortniteland, however that is going to be something in the far future, as they already have plans for "Project RGB".

Where it started

< Redtrexler> hyper where did you go? < Hyperrblu> To fortniteland

Other places Hyperrblu apparently visits include: Fortniteland II Fortniteland III Fortniteland IV


The history of fortniteland is short, not many things ever happen to fortniteland due to the fact that it can only be found in hyperrblu’s brain. However some things have happened to the peace and tranquil of fortniteland’s tilted towers over the years.

Netrom5 Invades Fortniteland IV

One day, Hyperrblu equipped his sword, the Irishman’s bane and announced his thirst for blood spawned by the sword. The almighty mod-god Netrom5 responded by asking if he wanted his own blood. Hyperrblu, shocked by this statement ran away and went into hiding in the discordlands. Where he was promised he would not be killed if he returned, and that Netrom5 was waiting for them in fortniteland IV. If Netrom5 was in fortniteland IV, that meant that Netrom5 had obtained the power of travelling inside of people’s brains. As a result Netrom5 controlled hyperrblu’s real life body known as [DATA EXPUNGED], and wrote “Netrom5 is an amazing person and can have all of my minecraft diamonds.” This set Hyperrblu into a state of fury and has now declared war against Netrom5. Who will win is unknown, with the two of them possessing powerful weapons, and Netrom5 possessing Hyperrblu.