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User _Nathaniel_

Look at this ninny.

Known as Idiot, Nath, Nathaniel.
Gender Male
Location Yorkshire
Nationality Welsh
In Freedonia
First joined 31 August 2017
First building None of your business
Kit level **** Gold
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Nathaniel joined on the 31st of August, 2017 and has since done very little of note in the community. Well, aside from:


Nathaniel has built several smaller projects, including a bridge from the central nexus to Artville, the Red Keep (current residence) and a large community arena for pvp and minigames (in progress).


Here's what Nathaniel's skin looks like. He would like to stress he does have a loincloth, loafers and fingerless gloves on, so is not in fact naked you filthy perverts.

Pictured is Nathaniel, wearing the bare minimum for his own survival and modesty
Nathaniel's distinctly clothed skin.

He chose this skin because he believes it's what a man who would run around punching trees and sheep would truly look like. This is the face of a man unhinged enough to dig clay from a river and smelt it into bricks himself. This is the physique of a creature who could build a tower up to build limit and then be confused as to where it came from. Very few thoughts have ever passed between those two un-rendered ears, and this is a good thing.

You may not like it, but this is the ideal make body.