User:Agente F

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User Agente_F

No one knows why I have this skin and they will never know :)

Known as Agente_F, Agente, Agente_Fish
Gender Male
Location Reino Z
DOB 20...-11-6
Occupation Videogame addict :D
In Freedonia
First joined 2021-11-19
First building His first house
Kit level **** Gold
View profile and statistics

Agente_F is one of the many people living in the Reino Z, he connects almost every day.

- History in Freedonia -

It took him many deaths to reach the Kingdom. When he arrived at the Kingdom he had trouble finding his way around inside.

He found a small space to make his mini castle, his first house.

A long time later he had friends in Reino Z and found a plot of land that he used for his next house, another castle but bigger.

He created another castle in Burgeon City, as JCobbler2012 gave him the opportunity to create it.

A long time later, he created his fourth castle and the last one so far, which had the characteristic of occupying 2 plots.

- Curiosities -

- His friends are Pojoj, AiacosMX, XxFireDragonxX

- He has died about 2 times with the command "/Descend" and gave him a lot of anger

- All his houses are castles

- He created a series of public mines with the assistance of YoSoyJoaquin

- He likes... -

- Have a lot of diamonds

- Friendly and Spanish-speaking people

- Say "Ñ" in the chat

- The head of ClonLP002 and ClonLP003

- All VideoGames in the World!!!!!!!!

- MinecraftOnline Server :)

- The youtuber ZetaSSJ

- Castles and medieval things

The second house of Agente_F.
The second house of Agente_F, in Reino Z

- He don't like... -

- Assassins and headhunters

- When someone who lives in Reino Z, starts beating someone

- Be called: "F"

- Google Translate D:<

- When I'm making a house in minecraft and missing materials

- Don't let me connect to Minecraft servers

The Second Public Mine, of Agente_F, in Reino Z

- Builds -

- His first and second house - At Reino Z

- His third house - At Burgeon City

- His fourth house - At Ekialdea

- Public Mine 1 and Public Mine 2 - At Reino Z

- Z Mall - (It hasn't even started)

- Dragon Statue - (unfinished)