PopBob Sex Dupe Association

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Organisations PopBob Sex Dupe Association (PBSDA)

The discovery

Leadership getplayerhead.sh?jriver_15&16.png jriver_15
Headquarters Spawn Market
Founded 13 January 2021
Public? No
Status Unknown

The PBSDA is a group of players on MCO that conducts themselves in a parliamentary procedure to decide on motions that dictate the group's business. The PBSDA in no way has duped or condones duping. It has not even once mentioned duping in its proceedings. The name is only based on a meme, it has no bearing on the group's agenda.


Members attend scheduled meetings and can introduce, second, debate, and vote on motions. Players can join by getting the written consent (in books) of two current members.

Poppus Robert's Rules of Order

Retroactively approved and applied in the second meeting, these guidelines authored by jriver_15 detail how meeting proceedings shall be conducted. The section "Overturning a Motion was later added in the fifth meeting:

Recognition: To get the Chairman's attention to do this, please react to his latest message with a :raised_hand: or similar emoji. When he chooses to, the Chairman will recognize you to speak along the lines of "<Name> you have been recognized" or "You have the floor, <name>" When you have finished your statement, please let the speaker know by appending your message with something along the lines of "Thank you, Mr. Chairman" or "I wield the floor to the Chairman".

Making a motion: Once you have been exclusively recognized by the Chairman so that you solely have the floor, you may make a motion. Motions are the root of any action, decision, or policy that the PBSDA instates. An example of a motion would be “I move to change the lightbulb in the hall lamp”. A single motion could have multiple parts or things to be done or decided upon, but keep in mind that your fellow members will be approving or opposing the motion in its entirety. Once you have made a motion, you have given the floor back to the Chairman, so you do not have to say "Thank you, Mr. Chairman".

Seconding a motion: Once a member has made a motion, the Chairman will ask something along the lines of “Any Second?” If you have read their motion and agree with its implementation or approval in its entirety, you may send into chat at this point “I Second <Original mover’s (OM) name>’s motion” or “I second that motion” or just simply “I second”. Keep in mind that only one member other than the OM needs to second the motion for it to advance, and only the first person who seconds will be documented. So if you see someone else has seconded the motion, might as well hold off.

Opposing a motion: Once someone has seconded a motion, the Chairman will ask something along the lines of “Any Opposed?” If you have read the OM’s motion and do not think it should pass, whether that is because of a big issue or a small problem you see with it, you may send into chat at this point something along the lines of “I oppose the motion” or just “I oppose”. Same as with seconding, only one person needs to oppose a motion for it to go to discussion and then a vote, and only the first person to do so will be recorded. If no one opposes a motion, it passes.

Discussion surrounding a motion: If at least one person has opposed a motion, then the Chairman will announce something along the lines of: “The current motion is halted, we will now open the floor to discussion regarding the motion.” At this point, you may voice any problem you have with the motion or why you think the motion should pass. You may also engage in discussion with other members, but please, be orderly.

Voting on a motion: Once a chairman has deemed that the discussion surrounding a motion is settled, he will open the motion up to a vote. The vote will consist of three messages from the Chairman: “All those in favor of the motion, say yay” to which all those in favor say yay. After all yays the chairman will say,” All those opposed to the motion, say nay” tp which all opposed say nay. The chairman will then say “All those abstained, say present” to which all neutral parties regarding the motion will say "present". The chairman will then tally the results and announce them. At this point, you can request recognition for a different issue by using the emojis, and the process repeats.

Overturning a Motion If later in a meeting or in a later meeting a motion is introduced that interferes with, amends, and/or overrules a previously passed motion, then a vote must be held on the new motion. If the new motion's net yays (subtracting the nays) is higher than the previous meetings net yays (if a vote had occurred previously) or if the new motions net yays are greater than the total members present at the passing of the old motion (if it was passed by being introduced, seconded, and none opposed it), then the new motion may pass and overrule the contradictory old motion as the former entails. Should either of those scenarios not happen, the new proposed motion is left upon the table and the old motion will continue to stand.



The group was first announced by jriver_15 in chat on the night of January 11th, 2021. This was likely due purely to meme since people in chat were on the topic of 2b2t.org and the meme in question.

 <jriver_15> As a MLG OG I hereby announce the Organization of the PopBob Sex Dupe Association, PBSDA

Nonetheless, DarthDan was thrilled by the concept and so jriver started building a meeting room in his portion of Cafi's Spawn Market that night.

 <DarthDan_42069> SURE
 <DarthDan_42069> ILL JOIN

Jriver set out to make it so that any person could become an initial member to further vote on letting in new members before the first meeting, which he scheduled for January 12, 2021, at 11:00 pm GMT.

Details for all of the meetings can be seen on the Meeting Minutes page.


When referencing a motion from a meeting, use the citation plan of PBSDA followed without spaces by a M followed by the meeting number of the motion (ie 7th = 7) followed by a S followed by the line number of the motion. For example, PBSDAM2S4 cites the fourth line in the minutes of the second meeting of the PBSDA. For ease of citation, numeral line indicators for all previous and future meeting minutes will be added in increments of 5.