Sacrificial Altar

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green_places+of+worship.png Sacrificial Altar
2018-07-28 00.46.28.png

Inner Sacrificial Bonfire (outdated)

Owner DiagnosticDog
Category Places of Worship
Underground? Partly
Public? Yes
Height 20-35 blocksm
Coordinates X=-2014
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

The Sacrificial Altar is a structure currently owned by DiagnosticDog. Even though the site is abandoned, you can still discover the secrets of the temple.


The structure dates back long ago, farther as anyone can remember. Its believed that after centuries of war and in-fighting, however, a small group of Ice nomads first erected the alter. As it was told in the Book of Baal that these were The Nine Tall Men, a set of figures would be the ring leaders and speak to BeezleBaal himself. They had a vision, in which they will summon the great being of BeezleBaal as a way to bring peace and order to the Icemen and command a powerful kingdom. But to do so it is believed that they commenced blood sacrifices in order to gain peace. Whether the sacrifices themselves were either animal, human or beast is still up for debate.


The exterior The bottom-most chamber