User talk:Metaspy

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Honestly, you should just update the front page and admit that there is item spawning - just limited to an elite few. How is that such a hard thing? As it stands now the front page is dishonest. Obviously SlowRiot knows, he made changes to this page...

Werdnaz, I do not mean to be a "shit-stirrer" I just hate being lied to. Up until i saw bronco use /i I thought that all blocks besides admin created stuff was all legit blocks.

  • Wait, so you've never heard of God donors before this? I found out about them the first week I played. People are always trying to beg free stuff out of them.

Not trying to be hurtful. -Zen_Fighter

  • I don't get it, we only spawn blocks if it is absolutely necessary. Like if something has been griefed, GODS can spawn blocks to fix the building that was broken. They do not spawn blocks on a whim. All of the blocks are ligit. Kit's are items an they are spawned trough kits. -Sheep1997
  • Actually, Gods do spawn blocks on a whim. That's what they wanted to do when they bought the god donor pack. They spawn whatever they want. It costs a ton though. -Zen Fighter

If you aren't shit stirring, then stop being deliberately sensational. You are not being "lied to". SlowRiot has not gone out of his way to deceive you. For the vast majority of the player who have visited Freedonia, the front page is entirely accurate - a mere 0.03% of the players who have ever played here can spawn blocks for their own use. Gods can spawn blocks for others if they want, but do they? Not often, since they appreciate what survival means.

And it does say "No free kits". God donorship is not, by any means, free. God donors have given to the server over £1000 pounds of their own money - what they do with the powers is up to them. For some reason, these abilities upset you, though I'm not sure why.

Do you have a problem with donor kits? God donorship just gives you the ultimate version of these, which I don't see a problem with. The money donated to become a God isn't small change which anyone can rustle up - as such, item spawning is kept to a minority, keeping the server survival. Is it really necessary to note on the front page "Some people enjoy playing on the server so much that they donate more money than most of the kids who play minecraft have ever seen, as such they get commands to match this donation"?

If you have such a problem with the front page "lying" to you, I suggest you bring it up with Riot, who can assuage your grief at the heinous lies that have been told to you. Werdnaz 20:44, 25 March 2012 (UTC)

  • Well said --Sheep1997 10:11, 26 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Werdnaz, regardless of how you cut the mustard "Everything you see in Freedonia has been built by hand, from legitimately harvested materials" is false. Everything is not from legitimately harvested materials. True, for most of us we must harvest. 99% of us, but not 99% of the stuff built on the server is built by the 99%. Look at the "epic" buildings on this server - you will find that the majority have at least one God as a contributing builder. Which means that those buildings came from creative mode. In the end, it really doesn't matter - I realized I was not welcome after being warped to, attacked and killed in game by God donors. - Metaspy April 2012

Creative mode? Nobody except admins can go into creative mode. Gods do not get creative mode, they get to spawn blocks, which is a different thing entirely. Why do God spawned items not count as legit? Does this mean that any item someone obtains with a donor kit is also not legit, since the items were spawned in, not crafted? You are perfectly welcome here, though if you say things which piss people off, they are allowed to kill you. Free speech doesn't mean you can expect to be unharmed. Perhaps if instead of accusing SlowRiot of lying, and you had merely said "Hey guys, I noticed a mistake on the front page" people might have taken more kindly to your suggestion.

As for your comment on epic builds, that really is bullshit. Almost all of the buildings are built without a Gods help, so you will find that the fact you plucked from nowhere is incorrect. For instance Al Wahat. Before you say "But Machines is a contributor!", it was built before he was a god. Xenotopia is another example of a town built entirely with naturally harvested materials. Autumnwood, Floatania, the list goes on and on . . .