Viziman Desert Quarry

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green_landscapes.png Viziman Desert Quarry

The entire operation

Owner Unknown
Category Landscapes
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Size north to south 200m
Size west to east 200m
Coordinates X=-5759
Dimension Overworld
Settlement vizima
Map Link

The Viziman Desert Quarry is a 4-acre desert area to the west of Vizima. Nobody knows how long it has been used precisely, but it has been extensively used for sand-mining ever since Vizima got a warp. The proximity of the desert to the warp makes it extremely useful as a sand-mine.

It is estimated that approximately 65% of the sand and 40% of the sandstone has been mined, it has been used in the construction of places such as Vizima, Port Lochrainn and many more.