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Maine is a small settlement built by The_epic_gamer_2 in a taiga biome at the edge of the map. By the world border there is a town that has some buildings mostly apartments, but there is a large factory planned that will contain a large smelter, underground farms and a mob grinder. The town centre is covered by 7 max beacons along with a factory building under contruction. Outside of the main town there is a reservoir beside the road and furthur down there is a junction near some mountains at the junction there is a recreation of the Red Rocket truck stop from Fallout 4.The split heads through some hills and a tunnel toward my house the second will be a connection to the nearby highway that was contructed.

When ZJTrayGamingYT spoke to The_epic_gamer_2 on September 18th, 2023, about the validity of him remaining in the Coefficiency, The_epic_gamer_2 said he was still in the group, and allowed Maine to become a part of the Coefficiency's settlements.

green_villages.png Maine
Maine's borders (2).png

The border settlement

Founder The_epic_gamer_2
Contributors ZJTrayGamingYT
Category Villages
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? Yes
Public build? No
Size north to south 150m
Size west to east 250m
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? Yes (Maid route on the Zvarri Branch past Vestgon's Village. Note that the rest isnt marked but is in canal )
Portal? Yes
Coordinates X=-16231
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

Current Projects

  • Road system connecting areas inside and around Maine
  • Several parks
  • A harbour town is under construction


Newly Buildt Bridge spanning a river.