Server: Online
World: Freedonia
Players: 22/12000
Featured wiki article:
Freedonia Railway System
Version: 1.12.2
Players yesterday: 354
Players total: 309632
Player homes: 36950
Current bans: 51322
This old page is obsolete, but here are some useful links:
Moderators can be spotted by the blue colour of their chat messages. Administrators' chat messages are red. Admins are exactly the same as mods, but
have two extra abilities - they can add and remove mods, and they can reload the server configuration. The below list is automatically generated
from the current server configuration:
The_Jackal_249 nosefish techkid6 bastetfurry stromhurst Lothendal Krenath zfleming1 lacrosse1991 rtkwe SlowRiot dorn284 werdnaz Ted1246 MattyQ BryBer tyhdefu SnappyMuppetman 14mRh4X0r Zomon333 AlphaAlex115 jimmyd93 Flippeh Anna_28 darkdiplomat LewisD95 doublehelix457 WaffleNomster Eclypto18 TheDemetri Void42_ AppleSilly shobble
44trent3 Rufas swissm4n Xyginator theschlozmeister tindwcel thesprazzzler Eilidh23 Jmancino2 ScarClaw72 Jibletz KevinGriffioen bawest _deckard TurtleCobra Chewy27_ MrSlimeDiamond Okibdoki BenPotter8 BillionPenny Unkle_Genny CaptainIceman Beeraeka watertriber Tekupuristo Kendon maurermz Netrom6 TenderGloveBoy Teaacup BlueBlaziken DDaniii_ jriver_15 1Nubo LordOfTheShadows SanityBGon Crimson_Aught AKSoapy29 Marmo_D 2b2tLegends yourshadowdr cmb1100 Glow90 FuzbolMC ClonLP usernamewill helpimdeadinside Cosmic_potato_04 JesusMRS EpicBaby Ownagecat Txkeykeeper pojoj Azeur SlothCubing Xanpi3000 Blacknightmon Ghostis_ Neokrai Soleclaw