Server: Online
World: Freedonia
Players: 19/12000
Featured wiki article:
Freedonia Railway System
Version: 1.12.2
Players total: 309287
Player homes: 36891
Current bans: 51277
[MCS] <nlQwQln> 我在下面被困住了只能破坏方块才能出来
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> [TR->zh-cn] this means you can't break blocks to escape areas or lace blocks to escape them
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> [TR] 这意味着您无法打破街区以逃脱区域或蕾丝块以逃脱它们
[MCS] <**blokeris> ghomik
[MCS] <****Ghomik> what
[MCS] <**blokeris> wheres that shop?
[MCS] <****Ghomik> ./warp mall purple floor
[MCS] <*****ScarClaw72> me chilling at ghomiks base
[MCS] Amirxia left the game.
[MCS] <nlQwQln> £我要如何£决
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> [TR->zh-cn] if you're stuck ask for help or use "home" or "/spawn"
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> [TR] 如果您卡住了,请寻求帮助或使用“家”或“/spawn”
[MCS] <nlQwQln> ok
[MCS] <*****orchunter88> chilling as in freezing?
[MCS] <SinisterSeahorse> so how do i get currency
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> [TR->zh-cn] You can't fix it, only staff can. If you have any accidents let us know with "/staff"
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> [TR] 您无法修复它,只有员工可以。如果您有任何事故,请让我们知道“/员工”
[MCS] <*****Marmo_D> ./staff
[MCS] <nlQwQln> 知道了
[MCS] <*****Egitto> Ill show u SinisterSeahorse
To see recent server events in real-time and chat with players in-game, click here to join IRC or read more about IRC on the wiki.
Getting around the massive world of Freedonia is made easy by a system of warps. Type /listwarps in the game
to see the full list. Warps are also shown on the map, under the markers
option. To use one, simply type /warp [name].
The current warps, as generated from the server config, are:
There is a live, zoomable, textured map of Freedonia, updated in near real time (around a five or ten minute delay,
depending on player activity), using the Google Maps API. Both day and night modes are available, and it's possible
to share links to individual locations. Warps and player homes are also shown. Dynamic lighting is calculated,
and biome colours are extracted from the client data for the map. Try it now!
Below are a few snapshots from random map locations. These change each time this page is refreshed.