Nexus Tourism Company

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Organisations Nexus Tourism Co.
NTC Logo Alt.png

NTC Logo

Leadership Hirudo6
Headquarters Saikyo
Founded ~ 19 September 2018
Public? No
Status Unknown

The Nexus Tourism Company is an organization dedicated to increasing awareness about lesser known or less-traveled Freedonian attractions, settlements, or other points of interest.


The NTC was founded by Hirudo6 in mid-September of 2018 after he noticed the relative obscurity of interesting locations in expansion regions, far enough away that they needed to be connected by the Nexus. The headquarters of the organization were constructed in Saikyo around the same time.

Plans and Goals

The Nexus Tourism Company aims to:

  • Spread awareness to the IRL and Freedonian public about lesser-known Nexus-linked sites
  • Distribute "New user pamphlets" to aid new users in learning about Freedonia and traveling it with the Nexus

Nexus Reviews

Starting in 2020, the company will facilitate a series of reviews of destinations, similarly to the Michelin Guide for restaurants, awarding stars for certain points. The reviews will focus primarily on Nexus destinations, but may also have editions for nearby destinations and warps as well.

At first, reviews will be published solely by Hirudo6, but as time progresses, more reviewers will mean more accurate and less biased reviews.

The grading system has not been finalized, but once it is, reviews will begin.



Branch Managers

  • Currently Hiring! PM Hirudo6 for details.

See Also