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User MrSlimeDiamond

A blue slime in a tuxedo. Changed at the request of TheDarkrai85, because people don't work for people with slime in their name...

Known as Slime, Slimey, Diamond, SD, SlimTimond (by Spektra_
Gender Male
Location Wellington, New Zealand
Nationality English
DOB 2007-06-29
Occupation Student
In Freedonia
First joined 12th July 2018
First building Some crappy shack in fakestaff
Donor level **** Gold
Legacy donor level ** Stone
View profile and statistics


When MrSlimeDiamond is ingame (very rarely, nowadays) I just sit at spawn and don't really do anything.

But before that, I worked on my base (which is literally just a stone brick blob lol)

Other stuff

  • Founder of Slatville
  • Creator of NarwhalBot, aka the worst bot ever lol (thanks whoever wrote that)
  • Creator of Atom (I swear it's better than NarwhalBot)

Slime's old username is SlimeDiamondYT. He changed it because he aged and YT looked silly.


The first day

Slime's first day was on the 12th of July 2018. His first words were Hello!

  < MrSlimeDiamond> Hello!
  < Dread_Nova> hello
  < DosMiniDoc> hi
  < MrSlimeDiamond> This is my first time joining the server I think!
  < Dread_Nova> welcome!
  < tyhdefu> read the rules :)
  < Dread_Nova> oh, and hey dos
  < MrSlimeDiamond> But not my first time on minecraft, I can't remember that ;-;
  < DosMiniDoc> Hi Dread
  < MrSlimeDiamond> Ok, I looked at the rules, No Spamming, Cheating or greifing
  < DosMiniDoc> you got it ;)
  < Dread_Nova> if you want empty space try ./wilderness
  < MrSlimeDiamond> woah

The other slime

Slime found another slime on MCO just after his arrival, his reaction:

  < Slime_tiger> hey another person with slime in their name

You can tell he was happy.


The green star

Slime used to have a cool green star in front of his name showing that he donated, but he did not donate. He won a diving competition and doublehelix457 gave him donor status!

  < MrSlimeDiamond> *cheers*
  < TheGolum> *druum rols* MrSlimeDiamond donated £4.00 for donor status!
  < WaffleNomster> O:
  < MrSlimeDiamond> AYE!
  < MrSlimeDiamond> donor! :D
  < 1Catnip> Woo!
  < 2eZ4U> :P
  < TheGolum> o:
  < MrSlimeDiamond> I won! :D
  < doublehelix457> we dont say "aye" here

The yellow stars

Slime got 2nd place in the Picture Contest September 2019. He was upgraded to a stone donor. He is the last person to ever receive a legacy donor rank.

 < FlyingJellyfish> next, coming in SECOND PLACE
 (people saying random stuff)
 < FlyingJellyfish> WITH 25 VOTES
 (a bunch of people saying 'drumroll")
 < FlyingJellyfish> MrSlimeDiamond!
 < MrSlimeDiamond> :D

Four golden starssssssss

SlimeDiamond managed to get four stars on 8/8/2021

   (MCS) MrSlimeDiamond joined the game
   **a lot of people saying 'slime!!!1111'
   (MCS) MrSlimeDiamond just paid 99 Tokens to upgrade from the Stone Kit to the Gold Kit!
   < MrSlimeDiamond (now with more stars)> boop?
   **loads of congratulation**


100 hours

Slime hit 100 hours on 21/8/2019

(MCS) SlimeDiamondYT has played for over 100 hours!
(MCS) SlimeDiamondYT earned the right to build higher than 128!
< SlimeDiamondYT> yay me!
< TheATrap> gg
< Chrzescijanstwo> good job
< bawest> congratz SlimeDiamondYT!

500 hours

Slime hit 500 hours on 1/11/2019

(MCS) MrSlimeDiamond has played for over 500 hours!
< strayonesobbing> GG.
< MrSlimeDiamond> GG me!
< Wulf_359> gratz

Programming projects

"No don't do that." Spektra


NarwhalBot is SlimeDiamond's IRC (and to an extent, Discord) bot.

Formerly fricbot. Now decommissioned in favour of Atom.

Github Repo

Additional information at the bot's section on the IRC page Jmancino2 having some fun

 18:54 -!- fricbot was kicked from #minecraftonline by Jmancino2 [why did you kick my bot?]
 18:54 < SlimeDiamond> Jman
 18:54 <@Demetri> lmao
 18:54 < SlimeDiamond> can you fuckin
 18:54 <@McObot> (MCS) Silinox_ joined the game.
 18:54 <@Demetri> nice job jman
 18:54 <@McObot> (MCS) Silinox_ is joining for the first time!
 18:55 -!- SlimeDiamond was kicked from #minecraftonline by Jmancino2 [why did you kick me?!?!?!?!]
Incident with NarwhalBot
   < MrSlimeDiamond> right narwhalbot might get kicked from esper in a sec
   < MrSlimeDiamond> i wonder what happens if i do this-
   < techkid6> *Why...*
   * NarwhalBot has quit (Excess Flood)
   < techkid6> *sigh*


Source Code

Atom is an "advanced multi-purpose Discord bot" which is also in the IRC channel!

It does a lot of things. I can't be bothered to list them, but just know that it exists.

Minecraft stuff

I've made a bunch of Minecraft plugins, mostly for Spigot, but they've been scuffed and not good. I think I have one or two on my GitHub.

I also accidentally created an inside joke after stating that a vanish plugin wasn't good and said the famous line "I'M GOING TO RECODE THE VANISH PLUGIN!", which resulted in many memes.

yes, I actually did recode the vanish plugin

Gaming things

  • Speedrunning Portal 2

Things I like

  • Linux
  • Open source!!!
  • YOU!
  • Games, I guess

Things I don't like

"Oh no he's going on about Microsoft again... -All my IRL friends

  • Microsoft
  • Big corp doing dumb things


See also

The end

Here's the end of the wiki page! No, seriously this is the end.