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FearCat was first seen at 11:56AM on Sunday, 14 November 2021

FearCat is a Chilean player (Spanish speaking),FearCat is founder of 1 city and administrator of 3 cities, and contains permissions in 4 cities, FearCat was founder of FiumePolis and contains permissions in Republic City and New Hyrule (El Reino Zeta).

He is a peaceful player that you can ask for help when you need, more than anything he is willing to help Spanish-speaking people because he understands better with them, but do not hesitate to ask for help :)


FearCat had the email that contained his Microsoft and Minecraft account hacked, this occurred at 12:46PM on Friday, December 6, 2024 and they changed his password, email name and security email, this is currently under investigation to recover the account by Microsoft, and it is expected to recover the account