"Not natural? Not Yours? Touch and ban." - Acsidol
"Who wants to help me build a giant penis?" - ryanpbny
These are buildings of special note around Freedonia. Epic structures, notable monuments, or buildings with special historical interest are listed here.
This is by no means a comprehensive category; new buildings are created constantly. If you have built, or know about a building worth being mentioned in this category, please create a page for it, upload a screenshot and write a description of the construction in order to have it featured here.
To add a page to this category, please use the Template:Infobox building template.
See also
This category has the following 32 subcategories, out of 32 total.
Pages in category 'Buildings'
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,866 total.
(previous page) (next page)3
- A9 Community Farm
- A9 sign wall
- ABC Rail Network
- Acacia Cliffs
- Acacia Cliffs Flower Forest
- Acacia Glade Railway
- Acacia Glades Pass Hwy
- Acacia Lighthouse
- Acacia Rails South
- Acacia Road International
- Acacia Roads Pass
- Acidus
- Aeronwolf House
- Aeston Court
- Aeston Gladiator Arena
- Aeston Harbor of Refuge
- Aeston Town Hall
- Aether Portal
- AFK wool farm
- AG Community Farm
- Agartha
- Ahegao Face
- Ahri Peninsula
- Ahri statue
- Airport Plaza Station
- Airstation
- Al Wahat
- Alamo Peninsula
- Albourg Eiffel Tower
- Albourg Station (SCR)
- Albourg-Starsrest Royal Road
- Albuquackue Capitol
- Alduin
- AlecsTemple
- Alnor Castle
- Alpha Slab House
- Alpha Slab Restaurant
- AlphaHouse
- Altered Memory
- Ambition
- AmpCity Bank
- AmpCity Curling Club
- AmpCity Hellgate
- AmpCity Zoo
- Amperean Embassy
- Amperean Portal Network
- AndresTheMiner's Big Tower
- Andromeda Ascendant
- Andromeda Mapart
- Angard Station
- Anime Girls Museum
- Anivation
- Anna Station
- Anna Tree Island
- Anna's Birthday Capsule
- Anna's Holiday House
- Anna's House
- Annabelle Business Station
- Annabelle Park
- Annabelle Tower
- Anti-Furry flag
- Anubis Highway
- AOT Mapart
- Aperture Logo
- Apocalypse Highway
- Apophyllite
- Applejack
- Arcadia Pass
- Arch-Warwick Museum
- Arch-Warwick to Emerald Mall Speed Bridge House
- Archers Guild
- Arcipelago Radiante
- Arena of Syrus
- Arendelle
- Arstotzka Holy Church of Yan
- Arthur Watts
- Artificial Woodland Mansion
- Artiyfps
- Aryina City Government HQ
- Ashka Tower
- Assimilated Atrocities
- Atlantis Mk.II
- Atlas Statue
- Atomican Embassy to the Forrrest
- Atomican Highway 1
- Aurora's Peak
- Automata Music Disc Shop
- Automation Blaze Farm
- Automation Connect Four
- Automation Event Fight Club
- Automation Tower
- Autumn River World Turtle
- Aventureria's Maze
- Axilie Highway
- Azkaban
- Azurban
- B Cube
- B.A.R.T
- Babylonia Courthouse
- Bafcoochie Tower
- Ballahack Mine Archaeological Site
- Balloon from RuinsMod
- Ballpark Stadium
- Bangla Shop - Largo Sant' Eufemia
- Banhammer Island
- Bank of China (Hong Kong)
- BanWoth
- Bat Cave
- Battlefield
- Batugus Labs
- Bean
- Bear Town Railway Station
- Beckmandr Citadel
- Beckmann Tower
- Bedrock Grinder
- Beeraekan Strait
- Ben Potters Spruce Highway
- Benjamese IJspassage
- BenjaminStad Hotel
- BenjaminStad Motel
- Bennyblazeit Hard Rock Tower
- BierTown Headquarter Mountain
- Big Ugly Tower
- Biggest PP in Freedonia
- Billie Eilish Craft
- BillionPenny Tower
- BillShields Abstract House
- BioSphere
- Birchmire Highway
- Birthday Cake (Building)
- Black Pearl Casino
- Black Tower
- Black Tower XP Grinder
- Blacknightmon's Castle
- Blacksite Alpha
- Blackwater Dam
- Blackwater Lake
- Blaze Balloon
- Blibblob's House
- Blizzard Dragon Luxury Hotel
- Blocky Stadium
- Blood Arena
- Blue 3 Borderlands Thoroughfare
- Blue Skyscraper
- Blue Tower
- Boat Routes
- Boedecken II Holy Church of Yan
- Bone Block Statue
- Bone Island
- Botanical Garden
- Bow Bridge
- Bradford-on-Avon Barn Replica
- Brandarix Tower
- Breach Point
- Brick Mall
- Brocean Ocean
- Broncoskip's Island Temple
- Broncoskip's Tower
- Bronton's Hotel
- Brookers Systems Inc Office
- Brostrod's Getaway Home
- Buddha
- Build me like one of your french girls
- Bunnytopia
- Burly Ocean Crossing
- Byron Pyron
- C42's Guild Hall
- Cactus Farm
- Cafe7 home
- Cafi95 Home
- Cakeville Community Centre
- Cakeville/Microcosms' House
- Cammy & Bubba's Enchanting Shop
- Camp Sprucewood Road
- Campbell Tower
- Canapia
- Canvas and Palette
- CaptainIceman's First House
- Caravelle Zero
- CarCrasher13's Bakery
- Carling Outpost Highway
- Carretera federal numero 10