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Show new changes starting from 09:03, 21 December 2024
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20 December 2024

 m   22:53  User:Dunechan diffhist +27 Dunechan talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     21:45  User:IntelStellar‎‎ 2 changes history -24 [IntelStellar‎ (2×)]
21:45 (cur | prev) -24 IntelStellar talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
21:44 (cur | prev) 0 IntelStellar talk contribs im a gold donor now Tag: Visual edit
 m   18:36  Emberrest diffhist +93 Eleanorsilly talk contribs
N    13:35  User:AttackerMR diffhist +719 AttackerMR talk contribs Created my page Tag: Visual edit
 m   12:43  User:HPSFT2‎‎ 2 changes history +299 [Freeman77‎ (2×)]
12:43 (cur | prev) 0 Freeman77 talk contribs fix
12:43 (cur | prev) +299 Freeman77 talk contribs added infobox.
 m   12:41  User:Freeman77/Timeline‎‎ 3 changes history +129 [Freeman77‎ (3×)]
12:41 (cur | prev) 0 Freeman77 talk contribs
12:41 (cur | prev) +77 Freeman77 talk contribs
12:17 (cur | prev) +52 Freeman77 talk contribs
     09:19  Ice Co.‎‎ 2 changes history +50 [CaptainIceman‎ (2×)]
09:19 (cur | prev) +1 CaptainIceman talk contribs
09:19 (cur | prev) +49 CaptainIceman talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     07:56  User:Retrorandom/Media diffhist +34 Retrorandom talk contribs
     07:55  (Upload log) [ZJTrayGamingYT‎; Retrorandom‎]
07:55 Retrorandom talk contribs uploaded File:2steves.png
07:55 ZJTrayGamingYT talk contribs uploaded File:BSWSteves.png(ZJ, sanix, and retro in a screenshot at Nebulus)
N    05:12  Babylonia Courthouse/ReaperSniper‎‎ 2 changes history +20,433 [Clomik‎ (2×)]
05:12 (cur | prev) +2 Clomik talk contribs
05:12 (cur | prev) +20,431 Clomik talk contribs Created page with '-- TRIAL BEGIN -- [21:50:57] <McObot> (MCS) <doublehelix457> Very well [21:51:00] <McObot> (MCS) <doublehelix457> Lets begin [21:51:06] <McObot> (MCS) <doublehelix457> Reap...'
     04:59  Babylonia Courthouse diffhist +1,142 Clomik talk contribs ReaperSniper Tag: Visual edit
 m   00:42  Grief Excuses diffhist +12 Dunechan talk contribs Tag: Visual edit

19 December 2024

     23:13  User:Cozmicdudes22 diffhist +26 Cozmicdudes22 talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     22:07  Melanie Street Bridge‎‎ 3 changes history -210 [SoulCoyote‎ (3×)]
22:07 (cur | prev) -4 SoulCoyote talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
22:06 (cur | prev) +131 SoulCoyote talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
10:07 (cur | prev) -337 SoulCoyote talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
 m   20:56  Winter House diffhist -250 Microcosms talk contribs Update details after building was moved.
     20:52 Move log Microcosms talk contribs moved page Emberrest/Micro's Emberrest Townhouse to Winter House(Building moved ingame.)
     20:32  (Upload log) [ZJTrayGamingYT‎; XxFIREDRAGONxX‎; SoulCoyote‎; Kendon‎ (2×)]
20:32 ZJTrayGamingYT talk contribs uploaded File:Coasterbros.png(ZJ and Aidan vibing)
17:39 XxFIREDRAGONxX talk contribs uploaded File:My symbol or the pfp banner idk XDD.png
16:39 Kendon talk contribs uploaded File:Lakeloon2.png
16:39 Kendon talk contribs uploaded File:Gooseburybridge.png
10:07 SoulCoyote talk contribs uploaded File:MelanieStreetBridgeSunset.jpg
 m   20:24  Black Starwalkers diffhist +269 ZJTrayGamingYT talk contribs
     17:39  User:V FIREDRAGON V diffhist +9 XxFIREDRAGONxX talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     17:20  Newport Museum diffhist +19 Pendzai talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     16:59  Goosebury diffhist +117 Kendon talk contribs →‎Gallery:
     16:55  Lake Loon diffhist +706 Kendon talk contribs
     15:41  Neon09‎‎ 4 changes history -2 [BlueBlaziken‎; WinEXPERT‎ (3×)]
15:41 (cur | prev) -135 WinEXPERT talk contribs ok Tags: Visual edit Blanking
15:40 (cur | prev) +128 WinEXPERT talk contribs BlueBlaziken, what is your problem? Tag: Visual edit
15:37 (cur | prev) -66 WinEXPERT talk contribs Replaced content with '{{afd}}' Tags: Visual edit Replaced
12:20 (cur | prev) +71 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Mark for deletion: Page does not document anything related to MinecraftOnline
 m   15:13  Waterside diffhist -29 Kendon talk contribs
 m   13:38  User:Dunechan diffhist +17 Dunechan talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     12:23  Jacekkar's Adventure on MCO diffhist +128 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Mark for deletion: Author likely intended to blank/delete this page
     12:19  City of darkness diffhist +80 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Mark for deletion: Page blanked, author likely meant to mark it for deletion anyways
     12:17  Headmate and Rorhl wedding diffhist +114 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Mark for deletion: One of the people involved in this apparently no longer wants this event to be associated with them
     12:14  Kennesaw diffhist +118 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Mark for deletion: Appears to be an abandoned project, with no substantial progress made on it + page was already blanked anyway
     12:12  Tenochtitlan diffhist +114 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Mark for deletion: Project ended up never being built (and was confirmed by its owner to never be built in the future)
 m   12:10  CTL diffhist +107 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Re-add afd tag.
     12:09  Blocksdale diffhist +24 BlueBlaziken talk contribs Redirected page to Eleutheria Tag: New redirect
     09:58  Buyers guide diffhist +4 Prurite talk contribs Update price of prurite's shop Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     09:57  Freedonian Bazaar diffhist +1 Prurite talk contribs Update price of prurite's shop