Book Nook

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Organisations Book Nook

The Booknook logo in QHD

Leadership S_hach23
Headquarters Diamond Mall
Founded 25/04/2024
Public? No
Status Active

Available Books

Unbreaking III

A must-have for longer-lasting tools and armor!

4 Diamonds


Repair your gear with experience orbs!

2 Diamonds

Silk Touch

Mine blocks like glass, ores, and more without breaking them!

2 Diamonds


Never run out of arrows while using a bow!

2 Diamonds

Blast Protection IV

Reduce damage from explosions and blast attacks!

3 Diamonds>

How to Find BookNook

How to get to booknook (click to get it to be animated)

To get to BookNook, follow these simple steps:

  1. Type /warp mall in the chat to go to the mall.
  2. Once there, head to the Red Floor.
  3. Walk across the bridge on the Red Floor.
  4. When you cross the bridge, look to your left, and you'll find the BookNook storefront!