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About | |
ID | Eject |
Self Triggered | Yes |
Clickable | No |
Input | No |
Output | No |
Rail | Yes |
Block | Iron Block |
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Second line | [Eject] |
Craftbook Page |
When placed under an iron block that has a rail on top of it, this sign makes the player exit the cart they are in when passing over it. The player will be pushed out in the direction of the sign. Players are only ejected one block away and diagonal directions are supported.
- Second line (required)
- [Eject]
- Third line (optional)
- Parameter
Ejects the rider from any cart
[Eject] #RVPark
Ejects those who have set the destination to "RVPark"
Detailed mechanics
The game will consider target blocks in a 19x7x19 range around a center block that is based on the direction of the sign. Only target blocks which are safe are considered. The game then takes the target block that is closest to the center (for the Euclidean distance). If there are multiple candidates at the same distance, it takes the block with the lowest y-coordinate. The entity riding the minecart is placed in the center of the bottom of this block. If no safe blocks are found, the entity stays in the position it was when exiting the minecart, which appears to be 1.5 blocks above the minecart's coordinates.
The center block is determined as follows:
- Take the coordinates of the minecart when the IC is triggered.
- Add a vector of length 1 in the direction of the sign.
- Add 1 to the Y-position.
- Round the coordinates down to get the block coordinates.
A target block is considered safe if either:
- The block and the one above is passable, and the block below is a safe floor;
- The block, the one above and the one below are passable, and the block 2 below the target block is a safe floor.
Passable means: The block does not cause suffocation, is not lava, slab, cauldron, anvil, fence, chorus plant, snow block, glass or leaves.
Safe floor means: The block is not air, cactus, fire or lava.
- You can place up to 3 blocks on top of the rail, and the passenger can be teleported on top.
- The following blocks can be used as a "safe floor" while making the passenger fall through: torch, lever, button, sign, tripwire, wall, fence post, fence gate (both open and closed), ...
- Cactus and fire are not a safe floor, but they are passable. The IC may put you inside the fire or inside a bottom cactus.
- The center block depends on the direction the minecart is moving over the IC, because it is based on the position of the minecart when the IC is triggered.