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The Delta are a Administrative force in Freedonia, Staking claims in all corners of the universe, It's newest being Freedonia.


Our government consists of 3 levels; The top: High Council, Middle: Lower council, Bottom: Members.

The high council has the power of ordering new Citadels to be built, or to declare war on another group.

Lower council has the ability to advise the High council in their decisions

Members have the ability to fight in wars, and that's pretty much it.

Joining DELTA

Organisations DELTA

The Flag of DELTA

Leadership Unknown
Headquarters Unknown
Founded Unknown
Public? No
Status Active

The only way to join DELTA is to be formally invited by a High council member. The invite will be through discord.

Members: dunechan (High Council member)

-Anonymous (High Council member)

-Anonymous (High Council member)


Citadels are the main bases used by DELTA, and only 3 are planned to be built

-CITADEL 1 (Under Construction): This will be an administrative tower, 320m tall, and will be the home of the Founder.

-CITADEL 2 (Planned): Unknown purpose

-CITADEL 2 (Planned): Unknown purpose