Dwarf Fortress
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About | |
Inventor | Unknown |
The Intro
Ah, Dwarf Fortress. The most complex game known to humanity. Many admins and moderators have played this game and are dearly attached to it. Many homages have been paid to its greatness. From 7 to 586, your fortress will grow and right before your very eyes shall fall yet again. It is the cycle of a fortress. And the beauty within the game has actually made BadSyntax vulnerable to trolling for a period so enthused was he. Many staff members will smite thee at the first sign of ignorance. Bow to Armok; the God of Blood, and download the game.
What is Dwarf Fortress?
If you are reading this for the first time; shame on you.But it is better to learn now then for one of the admins to mock you mercilessly. Dwarf Fortress is a Simulation RPG Sandbox Strategy Shooter Action Adventure Fantasy game. The motto of the game is losing is fun. And you will lose. Over and over again. You start with 7 dwarves to start a new fortress. You must make everything. You must cut down the trees; you must store the timber away; you must build a carpenters workshop to build beds which must then be rebuilt inside a cave you dug while you brew beer from plants while you store it in the barrels you should have been building but wait! You have nothing to brew! you must scour the landscape for berries which then must be eaten and hopefully bare seeds which you must plant in fertile land that you have designated! wait theres more! if starvation and dehydration wasnt enough; everything wants to kill you! so you best cut down more trees for fuel or carefully channel lava to make a smelter! But those are just bars! you got to build a seperate forge to craft that metal into weapons! And you do have an army right? Well you need to set duty times or they wont do anything! Goblins will come and dwarves will die. Did you set up a graveyard? No? Get to it before an apparition haunts your fort due to you leaving the corpse to rot on the field! It only gets worse from there!
What Wants You Dead?
Heres a short list of some of the animals that want you dead: Alligators, Trolls, Giant Cave Spiders, Magma Crabs; Skeletal Bears, CARP, Pond Grabbers, Harpies, Ogres, Sharks, Crocodiles, Ents, Olms, Gremlins, Wolves, Giant Tigers, Giant Leopards, Skeletal CARP, Magma Men, Giant Lions, Bogey Men, Sasquatch, UNICORNS, Tigers, Mountain Lions, Bears, Imps, Iron Men, Ghouls, Giants, Giantesses, Ettins, CARP, ELEPHANTS, Hydras, and many more!
What civilizations want you dead?
All of them.
How can your dwarves die?
A few ways your dwarves can die: Depression, Starvation, Poisoning, Falling, Getting crushed, Drowning, Dehydration, Rioting, Sickness, Blood loss, Kidnapping, Walling Self In, Getting thrown in Jail, Getting a hammering, Being Sober, Battle, Old Age, Burning to death, Heat Stroke, Death by Fell Dwarf, Mashed by draw Bridge, Failed Mood, Sorrow, Melancholy, Conversion to Nudism, Sacrifice, Freezing to death, Freak Sparring Accident, Walking into trap it just built, Getting hit by chair during Party, Being A noble, Falling into cat traps, Being a fisherdwarf, Complaining too much, Being in the Army, Finding an Ambush, Being locked out in ambush/Seige, Being chosen to be a gladiator, Striking lava, Cavern Collapse, Collecting +Cave Spider Silk Sock+, and so many more!
Winning the game
You can't.
Losing the game
What makes you think you won't lose?
How to play
Trial and error. Or you could be a sissy and use tutorials.
Dorf'ing is a game started by BadSyntax back when the server just started(Yes I was around then); BadSyntax decided to bring the popular bay12forums tradition of having Community forts where people could ask to be put in the game by renaming a dwarf as them. They then receive important updates about their dwarf. The point of the game is for your dwarf to be as strong, long lived, skilled, have the most children, survive the most horrific events during the fort, kills, and way of death. The dwarf you get is what you get, asking for a certain profession or gender gets you drafted immediately. The point system is as follows:
Gaining points
The point of playing is to get point by having your dwarf complete various tasks as listed below.
For Kills
Wildlife:1 Kobold:2 Dwarf:3(5 Points if its a noble) Goblin:4 Killing another Players Dwarf:You Inherit their Points Avenging Players Dwarf:10% of their points Ettin:7 points per body Cyclops:10 points Giant:11 points Hydra:25 points per body Dragon:32 points Killing BadSyntax's Dwarf:50 Killing Bronze Collosus:75 Killing Forgotten Beast:Subjective ( Minimum 20; Maximum 100)
For Skills
Skill Level(1-16)
Life Span
Age / 5
Number of LIVING offspring * 2
Horrific Events
Scale of event:
Miniscule: 1 dwarf dies Minor: 2-4 dwarves die Notable: 5-8 dwarves die Worrying: 8-10 dwarves die Severe : 11 - 15 dwarves die Apocalyptic: 16+ dwarves die Scale Multiplier: Miniscule: 1 point no matter what Minor: *1 Notable: *2 Worrying: *3 Severe: *4 Apocalyptic: *5
Bonus Points
BadSyntax's dwarf dies in event:3 Spouse dies:4 1 Player Dwarf dies in event:1 2 Player Dwarves die:3 3 Player Dwarves die:5 4+ Player Dwarves die:Number of Dead Player Dwarves All Player Dwarves die:SaveScum You die = 1
The Scoring for Events
Total number of Bonus Points * Scale (Unless Miniscule)
Way of death
Totally subjective. A basic outline of how it will be scored Length of time from initial time of dying to death Lost limbs Pain level (1 - 10) Number of Unhappy dwarves depending on friends and family Number of suicides/ deaths due to your death Impact on fort(1-10) Injury points: white: 0 points Blue : 1 point Yellow: 2 points Red: 4 points grey: 10 points flashing: 20 points
Losing points
Dying to another player's dwarf = All of them Dying to an NPC and then being avenged by another Player= -10% of points Owning a Cat in game = - 2 points per damn cat Being redwarfed in same fort = -25 points Arguing about your score = - How ever many I feel Like.
Prerequisites to participating
Having Donor Status of any kind or holding an administrative position(IE: Mod / admin) Not being banned
The scoring
Upon the death of your dwarf; I shall add up all Ticks from the DorfMachine.swf for your session. the DorfMachine keeps track of Events and kills. etc. Using My Input it will store the file in an XML that is cleared at the end of the fort. I enter your user name; points gained/lost and whether the points are subjective(Those are stored Seperate from the Static points: Such as Kills. Once all players have died I input the final scores and each player is given a total score, a static score and the subjective score. The subjective score is then paired with any notes I made in a seperate text field along with it. from there A seperate window pops up and gives me the top 3 players and their scores.
The person with the most points wins.
Ha ha, you lost.