HDiddy Tower

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green_towers.png HDiddy Tower

View from above

Owner getplayerhead.sh?HDiddy1982&16.png HDiddy1982
Category Towers
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Started 5 April 2020
Completed 20 April 2020
Size north to south 13m
Size west to east 15m
Height 136m
Coordinates X=-2625
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

HDiddy Tower is 31 Floors of Glory.

Donald Trump paid to have the 18th Floor created, and it is the most unique of the floors.

Four color bands were produced by HDiddy1982's underground sheep farm and his lack of redstone knowledge, resulting in redstone blocks he didn't know what to do with.

Fun fact: HDiddy1982 was unaware of Iron Reef's existence when this was built, so every stone brick was hand mined into cobble, hand smelted into stone, and hand crafted into stone bricks, and all glass was hand smelted into glass. This is all while FitMC's April invasion made lag almost unbearable. But a 10 furnace array and American stubbornness resulted in this glorious skyscraper.