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Mapmarker labicon.png Clock
ID MC0420
Self Triggered Yes
Clickable No
Input Yes
Output Yes
Rail No
Block Yes
Sign post icon.png Sign Format
Second line [MC0420]
Third line Output rate
Craftbook Page

Repeatedly outputs a redstone pulse at a specified rate, with a Lever on the back of the block it is placed on.

Turned off by powering the sign with redstone.

  • Third line is the output rate. Minimum 3, maximum 1000.

The output rate is measured in redstone ticks. Example: An output rate of 3 makes the output change state every 3 redstone ticks, so a full cycle every 6 ticks.

At maximum TPS of 20 ticks per second, this would be one on/off cycle taking about 1/3rd second, up to 1 minute 40 seconds. Or when MCO is running slow, this could be about 1 second up to 5 minutes.