MCO Mart

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green_commercial.png MCO Mart

A place where you can buy any block obtainable in survival!

Owner LordOfTheShadows
Category commercial
Underground? No (might have to go underground for more space lol)
Public? To visit, yes
Started 01/08/2022 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Coordinates X=1402
Dimension Overworld
Settlement Automata
Map Link

What is MCO Mart?

MCO mart is a shop where players can buy any item obtainable in survival. Players can help keep the shop stocked by supplying specific items or blocks. These suppliers will then get a nice portion of diamonds received from the shop(s) they stocked. If you wish to supply the store with items or blocks, contact LordOfTheShadows.

Items Stock

Stone Blocks

 1:0 Stone
 1:1 Granite
 1:2 Polished Granite
 1:3 Diorite
 1:4 Polished Diorite
 1:5 Andesite
 1:6 Polished Andesite
 4:0 Cobblestone

Dirt Blocks

 2:0 Grass Block
 3:0 Dirt
 3:1 Coarse Dirt
 3:2 Podzol


 5:0 Oak Planks
 5:1 Spruce Planks
 5:2 Birch Planks
 5:3 Jungle Planks
 5:4 Acacia Planks
 5:5 Dark Oak Planks

Sand and Gravel

 12:0 Sand
 12:1 Red Sand
 24:0 Sandstone
 24:1 Chiseled Sandstone
 24:2 Smooth Sandstone
 44:1 Sandstone slab
 128 Sandstone stairs
 179:0 Red sandstone
 179:1 Chiseled Red sandstone
 179:2 Smooth Red sandstone
 180 Red sandstone stairs
 182 Red sandstone slab
 13 Gravel

Ores and Ore blocks

 14 Gold Ore
 15 Iron Ore
 16 Coal Ore
 21 Lapis Ore
 56 Diamond Ore 
 73 Redstone Ore
 129 Emerald Ore
 22 Lapis Block
 41 Gold Block
 42 Iron Block
 56 Diamond Block
 133 Emerald Block
 152 Redstone Block
 173 Coal Block