Maywell Village Theory
"This book contains a real place and a fictional theory that is not confirmed to be true. I came up with the theory as a means of story behind the places in this server. Enjoy!" -
Maywell village is a settlement located in the Western part of Freedonia. You are able to get to it by the Nexus and by boat. I got to it by Nexus because I have issues on water. The village is a very nice place, as soon as you spawn you can see a map of the town and a rule board. The rules are basic things you see. However, one of them caught my eye. It says, "If you do get permission to build Mindcrafter_ gets full perms to move or remove anything". I was weird due to the fact of it not saying there would be a reason for changes to the build. Normally there are build requirements, but I saw none.
The house closest to spawn belonged to "Captain Chimichanga". With signs outside it saying Mindcrafter was working with someone called Robby and a sign next to it asks for Robby to come back. Robby was last seen over a year ago. I then walked over to a dirt tower with signs around it. Most of the are too crude to put in this book. However, one of them was an insult to Mindcrafter, by Helix (last seen 2013). So two people left for good, I wonder why?
There is a dockside near the dirt tower with a boat made by Mindcrafter. After exploring that, I went across a bridge and came to a block of houses for sale. Three stood out, however. One had no furniture like the others, another was bought by someone called "Aye", and one was for sale AGAIN. So somebody moved out. However, there were chests with no wool on them. So I looked inside, and I found many items. So either A. someone forgot their stuff, or B. someone moved in and left the sale sign.
I decided to look at the statues left in a park. Many of them were created by Mindcrafter. I later found out that Mindcrafter ran a statue company called "Mind INC", with Mindcrafter being the main builder.
Speaking of which, I found his home shortly after. The outside had a statue that said "MCO". I went inside Mindcrafter's house to find an open piston door. There was a hidden room inside with many chests and a lift. I went down to find an underground complex. Weird, because it says the Maywell is not a undergound base. So it must have been made recently. I only went through two rooms, one had items of value, and books that had things I would rather not repeat here. The other room had many chests inside with no blocks blocking them. However, 95% of the chests were empty. I then left the base and went on my way.
WHAT I THINK THE STORY IS: Based on the things I found, Mindcrafter was a statue maker who wanted to be known. He thought he would have so much, hence all of the chests. He would even go so far as to removing others builds if they were greater. This lead to many people, (such as Helix and Robby) leaving Maywell and Minecraft. Mindcrafter didn't get much and remained by himself on the server with empty homes and empty pockets/chests.
The End