Mesa Island Nature Reserve

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green_nature+reserves.png Mesa Island Nature Reserve

View of the reserve's main island

Owner Blackrew
Contributors Baldobama
Category Nature Reserves
Underground? No
Public? Yes for visiting, no for building/editing/mining
Completed October 2, 2024
Coordinates X=15365
Dimension Overworld
Settlement Mesa Island Nature Reserve
Map Link

The Mesa Island Nature Reserve is a Mesa biome reserve in the Eastern ocean that exists to preserve a section of one of Freedonia's rarest biomes. It was established on October 2nd, 2024 by Blackrew after permission was granted to him by the island's owner & discoverer Baldobama.

This is the last completely untouched region of Mesa biome in all of Freedonia. The Reserve was established to preserve this. Visiting is of course allowed, but building/editing/mining is not allowed here. Fence posts with torches and signs on them are scattered throughout the reserve to notify people that they are in claimed territory.


The group of islands that make up the Mesa Island Nature Reserve were discovered by Baldobama on September 1st, 2021. This discovery was made just one month after the 2nd Freedonian Expansion added the region to the world map.

The largest island by far was named Naklavisha Island and a small port of the same name was constructed. The claimed islands continued without any further development for 3 years, inadvertently preserving them while the rest of Freedonia's Mesa biomes were developed and mined by players.

The area was turned into a Nature Reserve by Blackrew on October 2nd, 2024 after permission was granted by Baldobama.

Points of Interest

Visitors Center at Naklavisha Port

The Visitors Center is located at the island's original Naklavisha Port and lists the island's history, rules, and advice for those visiting/stumbling upon the Nature Reserve.

Baldobama Peak

Baldobama Peak is the highest point in the Nature Reserve at Y: 101


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