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Organisations Oretogo

Flag of Oretogo

Leadership getplayerhead.sh?SuperZPMax&16.png SuperZPMax getplayerhead.sh?SholQut&16.png SholQut
Headquarters Blocksdale
Founded 3 September, 2024
Public? Yes
Status Active

Main information

Oretogo, is a new nation that appeared in mid-2024, after getplayerhead.sh?SuperZPMax&16.png SuperZPMax's Comeback to MCO. This nation is currently a Neutral Government, however when we will make the Oretogo stable, we will move to a different Ideology. Oretogo's Capital is a town made in late-2023, named Blocksdale. Oretogo is also near a bigger town which is not in part of Oretogo, named Eddystone


This is history of Oretogo with year to year, since its foundation.


September 2, 2024 getplayerhead.sh?SuperZPMax&16.png SuperZPMax has returned to MCO, and deciding to get ready for the nation.

September 3, 2024 getplayerhead.sh?SuperZPMax&16.png SuperZPMax has declared indepence of Oretogo, and creating this wiki page. getplayerhead.sh?internetuser10&16.png internetuser10 Joined the Oretogo, and now his town Rivertown is in the part of the Nation.

September 4, 2024 getplayerhead.sh?SholQut&16.png SholQut joined the leadership as a vice-president.

Structure of the Nation

This section talks about the structure of Oretogo's Nation.

Cities/Towns on Territory of Oretogo

Currently, we have only 1 City under control.

Blocksdale (Capital)



There isnt really "states" in the nation so far, however Oretogo might recieve an expansion.

Map of Oretogo

Map of Oretogo, when it was formed.

Oretogo map2.png

= Screenshots

In this section, you will be able to see Screenshots of Oretogo's various cities, like Blocksdale.


In this small section of screenshots, are the screenshots from Blocksdale, including some of its landmarks.

The Blocksdale Wall

The Blocksdale Wall is a wall that was built for less chance of Mobs being in the town, making it safer.


The Water Bottle

The Water Bottle, is a build which remakes a Vanilla Minecraft Water Bottle, it represents luck.
