Polgria Gravel Factory

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Polgria Gravel Factory is public gravel farm wich function on 20 spawners it has afk room and storage room for gravel

green_industrial.png Polgria Gravel Factory
2025-03-02 20.48.12.png
Owner Skawars
Contributors Klocek69lego
Category Industrial
Underground? no
Public? yes
Started 01.03.2025
Completed 02.03.2025
Coordinates X=9329
Dimension overworld
Settlement Polgria
Map Link

About Polgria Gravel Factory

it was build by getplayerhead.sh?Skawars&16.png Skawars and getplayerhead.sh?Klocek69lego&16.png Klocek69lego who helped in getting spawners

its one of first polgria factories in industrial part of polgria

its public for evryone its whole reason to exsist is to be reason to visit polgria

it has 20 stray spawners

has afk room if youre in it all spawners work at same time to make it more efficent

could be more spawners in future

its build in so-called polgrian industrial building style

there will be more factories like this in polgria future development