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The Shardinental Hotel is the crown of Dubina, a grand monument scraping the skies over the city. It's proud to be called home by Freedonians from all walks of life!

Shardinental Hotel


After OutboardBag finished prototyping of Geese Megabase in late 2023, his personal residence was set to go - it was time to build a home for the future citizens of Dubina! The prototype was complete shortly thereafter, and as soon as Geese Megabase finished construction in April 2024, plans for the Shartinental would follow.


The architecture of the Shardinental follows in the Fuzbolian Post Summonist architecture theme of Dubina, modelled after the real-life Craftbook Discord HQ - of course, with substantial modifications to fit the intended use of the building as a hotel. The grounds make use of a greyscale palette, deftly summoning together (from fuz) tiles of stone, clay, wool, and summons from fuz for a sophisticated and unique design. The exterior of the hotel follows a similar grey theme, instead utilizing a base of stone brick with polished andesite pillars, grey glass windows and stone brick studs for variety. The interior of the hotel follows a more typical hotel design, with dichromatic beige and violet walls and wooden tiled hotel rooms, while still maintaining the grey theme with the carpet and shulkers in each hotel room, as well as the smooth stone and gray carpets in each hallway.