Talljohnson1 challenges chivalrousWeasel in single combat
On 15 Dec 2011, after receiving a perceived sleight upon his honour by chivalrousWeasel,
talljohnson1 proceeded to call him out upon it in a traditional and gentlemanly dawn duel, with a textual glove-slap:
<talljohnson1> chiv is a stupid
Having obtained his opponent's attention, he proceeded to state his grievance:
<talljohnson1> yea u just kill people will they r doing something <talljohnson1> that wuz a cheep shot i could kill u face to face <talljohnson1> if someone gave me a diamond sword and it wuz just me and chiv i will murder him to death
Duly, secondaries were appointed, a diamond sword was provided to the impoverished johnson, and most of the server gathered round to see how this duel of honour would proceed.
At this opportunity, talljohnson bravely decided to raise the stakes:
<talljohnson1> lets make a del <chivalrousWeasel> talljohnson1: there's a diamond sword in your house <talljohnson1> if i win i get to become a mod if u win u get to take evrything i own <talljohnson1> and i have a lot of diamonds <slowriot> talljohnson: why would you WANT to be a mod? <talljohnson1> so if i win i get to become a adim if u win u get to take allmy stuff
Having quickly negotiated himself into a powerful position - adminhood (having upgraded his prior bid for modhood, having realised its uselessness), waged against a dozen diamonds and a few wooden tools.
<chivalrousWeasel> that sounds totally fair
The challenge is accepted.
Talljohnson is reduced to scraps of meat in short order.
<talljohnson1> i win i win i win i win <talljohnson1> i beat chiv <talljohnson1> im hiting him and its not working <talljohnson1> no u chead i win i win talljohnson1 left the game (disconnect.genericReason)