Town of Raventhorpe

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The Name

The Town was Raventhorpe is a Gothic themed town. The Town name was influenced by the great Edgar Allen Poe and his greatest poem The Raven and the vikings naming convention of many towns as 'thrope' was given to towns in the Danelaw part of England.

The Government & its Organisations

There is currently no Government of Raventhorpe,this is due to the fact that raventhorpe only has 3 people living there offically.

However when we get more people they are welcome to start their own political campaign for any positions up for election. We believe that Raventhorpe shouldn't have a leader that hasn't been elected but do realize that sometimes that elected leader is not the kind of person who should be in power therefor Kitekitty (The founder) will have the title of lord protector.This position is to allow kitekitty to keep the town true to their vision.

Public services

The Raventhorpe Sheriff Department

The Raventhorpe Fire Department

The Raventhorpe justice Department

The Black wing Hotel and Bar

The black wing hotel and Bar is a building made by kitekitty in order for people who want to move into the town without actually building to do so, this is to encourage more people to join the town.

Once you get a room here you will be given perms to it, which allows you to make it your own. However please don't remove the walls or floor due to the fact they might be conected to other rooms.

Additional Information

The town is rather new and feel free to message kitekitty to request to create something in the town. Currently it's not open to the general public however once the discord is set up it will be to join the town discord ask kitekitty to send a link :) This page and town is still a work in progress.