United Germany

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It is an effort to unite all German Settlements to an United Germany. There is only one condition to join: You need to be German, but you can be an ally. You can join if you ask me

Organisations United Germany
United Germany flag.png

An organisation to unite the german settlements

Leadership getplayerhead.sh?duran3838&16.png duran3838
Headquarters Republik of Germany
Founded 31 May 2024
Public? Yes (only for German towns)
Status Inactive

(getplayerhead.sh?duran3838&16.png duran3838) or do a /mail (Please make clear that you want join+that you are German!), if you want to join as an ally you can do the same step told before (please make clear that you want to be an ally!). If Members will join i will extend this page!

Well the idea got scraped, because i couldnt find anyone that wanted to join and eventually i lost the will too