User:ScenarioPlanet/How to catch an admin

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How to catch an admin is a book about catching admins of MCO to eat them later, written by ScenarioPlanet. Continuing the "I wanna eat an admin" book.

Rating: Cringe



How to catch an admin
   (for eating later)

All you need to do

Really, it's very easy. You just need to wait when an admin will be online. Then find them and bring to your house.

Admins don't want to be eaten

Admins don't really want to be eaten, or, at least, most of them. That's why they will try to run or fly from you. Just hold your dinner stronger and don't give anybody a chance to steal an admin from you.

Now eat!

So, an admin is in your house. What's the next step? Eat! Just eat them as I described in my first book. Admins are the best food on MCO, so you will really like this dinner!


P.S. If you catched an admin using the instructions from this book, please give me a bite :3

Get a copy

You can get a copy of the book from ScenarioPlanet or any other player who already has it.

Use /msg ScenarioPlanet *text* or /mail send ScenarioPlanet *text* to contact the author. The book is free!