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About me:

User SlavComrade

Skin represents youtuber LifeOfBoris

Known as Slav, SlavComrade
Gender Potato
DOB -04-25
In Freedonia
First joined April 30th 2024
Kit level **** Gold
View profile and statistics

I first joined in april 2024. I was to dumb to realize that i griefed multiple times until SholQut put me under interrogation. I almost got banned but i got lucky and could stay on the server, but then i left.

I wasn´t online for like three or four months, even tho i had a friend who`s name is DoniBobes123.

In september i joined again and playing on the server started getting pretty fun, i joined the city Geekzville together with DoniBobes123 and there i opened a shop where i sold fireworks.

After some time had passed i moved to Republic City where i live to this day.

In Republic City i quickly built a house with a firework shop inside and made a new friend; XxCharles.

Little time passed until the first attack from Iperion1 where i participated in the name of Republic City.

After the attack i started helping XxCharles by removing trees for new plots and building one of the two apartment buildings.

When i was done with building i got bored and had no idea what to do except defending Republic City from Iperion1.

One day we had a meeting in the town hall and i became Republic City staff and got full perms.

Nothing special happened in the time after the meeting except that i got like 9 diamond blocks for some mutated bread from Txkeykeeper.

(sorry for my writing english isn´t my primary language)

Status: Inactive forever

Short list of things i have done:

-Annoyed SholQut

-Built a house with DoniBobes123

-Moved to Geekzville

-Built a shop in Geekzville

-Moved to Republic City

-Built a shop in Republic city

-Helped Freeman77 building a highway

-Built one of the two apartment buildings

-Defended Republic City from Iperion1

-Helped building on the Redstone Mall

Where can you find me:

I´m in Republic city most of the time i´m online.

At spawn.

I like:


-Soviet culture


-War Thunder

-Telling people funny stories


-Blahaj fish


-Random conversations

-Team Fortress 2

Players i like:




Killercat2010 (friend irl)




I don´t like:



-People who say Republic City sucks


-People who randomly come into my house with /thru


-People who do these "meowing" things in chat

Players i don´t like:

Iperion1(self explained)

NickolasDiamond(killed me for my head)

J4V2(annoys me inside my own house, tried to kill me for me insulting him because he annoys me)