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User WindowsXPuser

I like cats.

Known as Windows, Wandows, Pooser, XP, WindowsXP, WindowsXPuser, Pumpkin, PumpkinPie2, Pie, Sand, SandHanitizer
Gender Male
Location Minnesota
Nationality American
DOB 2005-11-28
Occupation Depressed Teenager
In Freedonia
First joined November 25th 2018
First building Small hut by a warp I have since forgotten the name of
Donor level * Donor
Kit level *** Iron
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Oh, hi! I'm WindowsXPuser, anything on this page was likely written by me, but not all of it is.

The First Few Weeks

WindowsXPuser first joined MCO on Nov. 25, 2018, a few days after making his Minecaft: Java Edition account. He wanted to see what the oldest server in Minecraft was like, he had no plans to stay and actually do some stuff here. After being offered a home in Aquaton by ScreamingGamer, WindowsXPuser went on to make himself a home there. His bed is still there, so whenever killed Windows spawns in his second house on MCO. Windows joined on Nov. 28 (his birthday) to see jubilation from the community over the banning of Nekoflen, a hated player who was, excuse my language, a fucking asshole. This was probably the best birthday gift Windows could have gotten. Eventually, Windows grew tired of Aquaton and wanted to start his own city. He did, and he called it XPVille. Around this time, Windows changed his name to PumpkinPie2.


After changing his name to PumpkinPie2, Pumpkin decided to change the name of his town to a name that better suited his new name. He called it PumpkinVille. That name remains in place to this day. Around this time, Pumpkin started getting bored on MCO. He decided to increase advertising for his town and got several new players invested in his town. Unfortunately, they were all either incredibly irritating, or banned within a few days, so the town's population remained small. AlphaAlex115, then named OilTrows, began attacking Pumpkin mercilessly as Pumpkin was very defenseless and playing on a potato of a PC that made defending himself impossible. This frustrated Pumpkin enough to abandon his town and start afresh at Borderline, a town started by a player Pumpkin has since forgotten the name of. After this point, Pumpkin changed his name back to WindowsXPuser

Borderline Days

This was the first large-scale project that Windows really got invested in. It's a shame that it never turned out, as it had real potential. Several players, the only one Windows can remember being Bawest, helped Windows and the town's founder clear the desert near the world border to create the town. Eventually, after several arguments, the town members voted the town founder out and Windows in as mayor. The founder was very petty about the whole thing and handed the town over to Windows as his property to do whatever he wished with it. He never played on MCO again. The town grew, but it remained very basic, a flat semi-desert with a kinda short sandstone wall protecting it from mobs. After the flurry of development on the town stopped, players stopped being interested, leaving Windows the sole inhabitant of an entire town once again. This lasted from March 2019 to January of 2020. Very little happened during this time as Windows was very inactive during it. He even got banned at one point and didn't find out for nearly a whole month.

Renewed Interest in MCO

After getting a new PC and being able to play at a decent framerate for once, Windows was interested in MCO again. He started playing and looking for new land to create a new structure at. After some searching, Stromhurst offered up some land that they had developed with some other people. Windows has been creating a snow/ice tower there since then. In mid-late February 2020, Windows' PC broke, leaving Windows stuck to his old PC which was busy hosting his own server, meaning Windows was unable to play for a while. Eventually, his grandmother gave him some old computers of hers (all of which were newer than Windows' newest PC) and Windows was able to play MCO at a decent FPS again. Of course, this was on March 31st, the day MCO went back to 1.4.6, so Windows couldn't really do much then.


ProjectFOB is a project initiated by WindowsXPuser as a way of taking advantage of the massive amount of ocean in Freedonia. ProjectFOB is Windows' first project where multiple people are aiding him in the construction of it. ProjectFOB is meant to create settlements on the ocean in various places. It was abandoned from June 1, 2020 to December 11, 2020. In a very tired state, on December 12, 2020 WindowsXPuser decided to revive the experiment. So far he has done nothing with it aside from make it his base and do a small amount of work on a farm.




MCO Staff


The new MCO wiki!



Some people

Loud things

Too much attention


People who tell him a Core 2 Duo is obsolete.