User talk:ZJTrayGamingYT
Here you can say some things about what you have seen about ZJTrayGamingYT. In order to talk below just make sure you have a verified wiki account and edit the page to type your response.
The format to type is: Your answer in quotations, and it's quoted by your account, with two apostrophes, and then two [ {{ ], following your username [user|examplehere], like this example below;
"I made this example text, so you know how to respond to my discussion page!" - ZJTrayGamingYT (Month, Day, Year, Hour:Minute AM/PM)
Please make sure the comments are clean, you can suggest a mistake that needs to be corrected. Newest comments are above the older ones.
"I wanted to make the first comment because why not" - ZJTrayGamingYT (November 10th, 2021 10:37 PM)