White Rock is a tower founded by OutboardBag on October 11th 2024. It has goals of becoming a modern building that works with the terrain instead of being a totally flat cityscape.
WhiteRockinental is a tower started in 2017 by OutboardBag. Its a longstanding tower that has been consistently active since its founding. The city has a few things to do ranging from public farms, tourism, and administrative centres. The tower has grown substantially since 2017 and now has over 100 members and over 30 residents with 10 of whom are active.
WhiteRockinental found its start when OutboardBag first asked the admin FuzbolMC 🥺 to be teleported to the "edge of the map" on April 16th 2017, which put him on a hill in west Freedonia (near the edge of the spawn continent/disk). On this hill he built a small cabin with a canal, which would be the foundations of the town. Some time later, in May of 2018, OutboardBag invited SlowRiot to visit the budding settlement, who then claimed a nearby mountain, naming it Mount Rifty. Psychicwinter was known to also have contributed in the WhiteRockinentals early days.