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green_settlements.png 0,0
0,0 MCO -1.PNG

The exact coords 0,0. You don't need to walk that much to get there, just tp to spawn and you will be a couple hundred blocks off.

Founder getplayerhead.sh?EveofDawn2479&16.png EveofDawn2479
Contributors None
Category Settlements
Underground? No
Fortified? No
Public access? No
Public build? No
Road link? No
Nexus link? No
Rail link? No
Boat link? No
Portal? No
Coordinates X=0
Dimension Overworld
Map Link


"It is smack on the spawn wall, darn it! I guess we will have to build a bit off 0,0..." getplayerhead.sh?EveofDawn2479&16.png EveofDawn2479
"I can't believe that Techkid6's house is near 0,0 and we are crowded into a very small space." getplayerhead.sh?EveofDawn2479&16.png EveofDawn2479


This was founded by getplayerhead.sh?EveofDawn2479&16.png EveofDawn2479. He looked at it on the map and it says that 0,0 is on the spawn wall so it will be a bit off.

How to Join

You can only visit the town but if you want to build you need a membership. You need to pay to have a membership with either 1 diamond or 5 iron ingots, your choice. Once you start building, getplayerhead.sh?EveofDawn2479&16.png EveofDawn2479 will make you a contributor to 0,0 and your name will go on the notice board.

Notice Board

Once we get started building I want someone to please take a picture for the infobox on this page of 0,0 because I don't know how to. In trade you will get a free membership. Soon once Eve gets back from his trip to Finland, He will start the town and make a chest for you to put your 1 diamond or 5 iron ingots to get membership. It will also be the donation chest. Don't be surprised when the items start disappearing, they are just going through a hopper system to a place only getplayerhead.sh?EveofDawn2479&16.png EveofDawn2479 is allowed and he gets in through an private alias because there is no door and it is just an enclosed underground area.