14mRh4X0r Route Data

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Map link to first buoy listed in data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
14mRh4X0r Route #00ffff

-1294 65 -3351 -1258 65 -3329 -1197 65 -3319 -1144 65 -3320 -1101 66 -3344 -1080 65 -3356 -1032 65 -3373 -931 65 -3415 -845 65 -3451 -812 65 -3466 -730 65 -3458 -685 65 -3471 -650 65 -3524 -599 65 -3581 -521 65 -3616 -477 65 -3630 -448 65 -3599 -445 65 -3518 -423 65 -3446 -394 65 -3405 -354 65 -3388 -344 65 -3340 -357 65 -3182 -318 65 -3173 -302 65 -3173 -216 65 -3182 -96 65 -3153 26 65 -3013 124 65 -3009 149 65 -3052 179 65 -3103 195 67 -3099 222 65 -3102 284 65 -3106 294 65 -3121 333 65 -3135 395 65 -3163 464 65 -3198 544 65 -3229 677 65 -3357 674 65 -3417 664 65 -3451 680 65 -3521 803 64 -3540 844 63 -3548 840 65 -3559 854 65 -3587 865 65 -3642 928 65 -3700 943 65 -3714 971 65 -3748 1036 65 -3766 1085 65 -3795 1097 65 -3801 1198 65 -3788 1206 65 -3743 1197 65 -3697 1223 65 -3684 1242 65 -3645 1249 65 -3602 1269 65 -3584 1306 65 -3505 1306 65 -3496 1332 65 -3453 1488 65 -3462 1513 65 -3418 1533 65 -3407 1568 65 -3377 1602 65 -3363 1663 65 -3308 1722 65 -3304