Canvas and Palette

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green_infrastructure.png Canvas and Palette
2023-09-01 04.12.47 1.png

Canvas as seen from the road.

Owner abamacus
Category Infrastructure
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Size north to south 259m
Size west to east 259m
Coordinates X=512
Dimension End
Map Link

The Canvas and Palette exists to:

  1. Increase the number of high-quality mapart in Freedonia
  2. Reduce the amount of world-space used for mapart in Freedonia

(more details will be forthcoming; full usage will not be available until the 1.16.5 update)




The color palette of mapart and suggested blocks for each color. Based on

This image shows what colors are possible in a mapart, along with the recommended block(s) to use for that color. (Information is from

The middle shade is the default if the mapart is flat. For the lighter and darker shades, if the block is:

  • higher than the block immediately North of it, then it will be lighter
  • lower than the block immediately North of it, then it will be darker

I call this "slope", since it was designed to show the terrain of hills and valleys. Whichever block sets the color is the block which is used to determine the slope, both for the current pixel and the pixel to the south.This is clearly obvious, except in the case of some partial blocks, so stating it directly to remove ambiguity.

For partial/partially transparent blocks like carpet, Cobweb, Slime, stained glass, saplings, pressure plates, etc, the block will set the color, but only when placed directly above a full block. So in this image, the pixel is red, since it is immediately above the full block (iron).

Mapart Partial Blocks.png


Unlike other blocks, the shade of water is determined by its depth. Deeper water is darker, as shown in the table:

Water shade based on depth
Depth (m) Shade
1-2 Water light
3-4 Checkerboard of water light and water medium
5-6 Water medium
7-9 Checkerboard of water medium and water dark
10 or more Water dark

Water is counted as a full block, even flowing water, even if it is "carpet thin". For purposes of slope (affecting the pixel to the south), the height of the top-most water block is counted.