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Mapmarker labicon.png Minecart Lift
2016-11-06 21.08.44.png

CartLift in use on Phoenix Island

ID CartLift
Self Triggered Yes
Clickable No
Input No
Output No
Rail Yes
Block Orange Wool
Sign post icon.png Sign Format
Second line [CartLift]
Third line all:none
Fourth line all:none
Craftbook Page

CartLift allows you to lift up or down mine carts on a rail.


  • Rails used for CartLift must be placed onto an Orange Wool block -- this includes the cart origin as well as destination(s).
  • The sign to activate the lift must be placed 1 or 2 blocks under the origin rail. It may be placed either on top of a block, or on the side of a block, it does not matter.
  • The direction of the Sign matters!
    • After the Lift the minecart will attempt to face the direction that the sign faced (the direction you face when you make the sign).
    • If the Sign faces either direction of the destination rail, then it will successfully move in that direction, regardless of which direction the minecart was moving on the source rail.
    • If the Sign faces perpendicular, but the source rail was parallel to the destination rail, then "inertia" will keep the cart moving in the same direction that it was already moving.
    • If the source and destination are perpendicular, and the Sign faces opposite the direction of the destination rail, then the cart will come to a halt on the destination rail.
  • The cart may be lifted up or down any number of blocks, there is no distance limit. (I think -- I tested this up to 30 blocks)
  • The speed at which the cart is moving before it is lifted is the same speed it will be moving after.
  • If the cart is moving very slowly, it will not be picked up by the lift. A slow moving cart can cross entirely over the Orange Wool block and still not be lifted.


  • Third line (optional)
    • The sorting option to sort carts to go up.
  • Fourth line (optional)
    • The sorting option to sort carts to go down.


  • All - Directs all carts
  • Unoccupied - Directs carts without entities inside (to include carts with hoppers, chests, furnaces, etc...)
  • Empty - Same as Unoccupied
  • Storage - Directs just Chest Minecarts
  • Powered - Directs just Powered Minecarts
  • Hopper - Directs just Hopper Minecarts
  • TNT - Directs just TNT Minecarts
  • Minecart - Directs just plain old minecart with or without riders
  • Occupied - Directs minecarts that have an entity rider
  • Full - Same as Occupied
  • Animal - Directs minecarts with an animal rider
  • Mob - Directs minecarts with a mob rider
  • Player - Directs minecarts with a player rider
  • #stationname - Directions minecarts that are set to stop at stationname with /st stationname
    • If the station name on the sign has a * it can match multiple stations such as #batugus* will match batugus and batuguslabs
  • NoStop - function unknown
  • CTNS - Directs storage and hopper minecarts which are not empty
  • !CTNS - Directs storage and hopper minecarts which are empty

The following options use extra item information to sort carts. That information is id:quantity@damage where quantity and damage are optional.These options may also be inverted using ! after the option name and before the information (ie: Held:!1)

  • Held - Directs minecarts who's player is holding a given item, NONE can be used in place of item info
  • INV - Directs minecarts who's player have a given item in their inventory
  • SCI - Directs storage and hopper minecarts which have a given item in the first slot of their inventory
  • SCI+ - Same as SCI but checks entire inventory

The following options use extra information to sort carts. These options may also be inverted using ! at the start of the extra information (ie: Group:!admins)

  • Group:<groupname> - Directs carts with players of a specified group
  • Ply:<playername> - Directs carts with a player who's name matches (name must be short enough to fit on the same line)
  • Plym:<partialname> - Directs carts with a player who's name contains the given string
  • Cart:<cartname> - Directs named carts whos name matches
  • Cartm:<partialcartname> - Directs named carts whos name contains the given string



This sign will allow the minecart to go up only.


This sign will allow Empty minecarts to go up and the rest to go down.

See Also

  • CartSort - Like CartLift but sorts minecarts left or right.
  • Lift - Regular craftbook lifts.