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Mapmarker labicon.png Minecart Sorting
CartSort Sign.png

A Sorting sign

ID Sort
Self Triggered Yes
Clickable No
Input No
Output No
Rail Yes
Block Netherrack
Sign post icon.png Sign Format
Second line [Sort]
Third line Left Sorting Option
Fourth line Right Sorting Option
Craftbook Page

Cart Sorting blocks are created by placing a sign under netherrack, with the second line [Sort] and the third and/or fourth line a sorting option. If neither sorting option is fulfilled, the track will sort straight. A CartSort sign with no options will always sort straight and may be useful in conjunction with other CartSort signs.


  • Second line
    • [Sort]
  • Third line (optional)
    • The sorting option to sort carts to the left
(if both this and the next line are true, this one takes priority)
  • Fourth line (optional)
    • The sorting option to sort carts to the right
A massive usage of sorting signs under an FRS main line junction, all passengers on this line who did the "/st Tsukiyama" command will be redirected for stopping at this station, otherwise, they continue their trip on the main line without stopping


  • All - Directs all carts
  • Unoccupied - Directs carts without entities inside (to include carts with hoppers, chests, furnaces, etc...)
  • Empty - Same as Unoccupied
  • Storage - Directs just Chest Minecarts
  • Powered - Directs just Powered Minecarts
  • Hopper - Directs just Hopper Minecarts
  • TNT - Directs just TNT Minecarts
  • Minecart - Directs just plain old minecart with or without riders
  • Occupied - Directs minecarts that have an entity rider
  • Full - Same as Occupied
  • Animal - Directs minecarts with an animal rider
  • Mob - Directs minecarts with a mob rider
  • Player - Directs minecarts with a player rider
  • #stationname - Directions minecarts that are set to stop at stationname with /st stationname
    • If the station name on the sign has a * it can match multiple stations such as #batugus* will match batugus and batuguslabs
  • NoStop - Directs minecarts that do not have a station set to stop at
  • CTNS - Directs storage and hopper minecarts which are not empty
  • !CTNS - Directs storage and hopper minecarts which are empty

The following options use extra item information to sort carts. That information is id:quantity@damage where quantity and damage are optional.These options may also be inverted using ! after the option name and before the information (ie: Held:!1)

  • Held - Directs minecarts who's player is holding a given item, NONE can be used in place of item info
  • INV - Directs minecarts who's player have a given item in their inventory
  • SCI - Directs storage and hopper minecarts which have a given item in the first slot of their inventory
  • SCI+ - Same as SCI but checks entire inventory

The following options use extra information to sort carts. These options may also be inverted using ! at the start of the extra information (ie: Group:!admins)

  • Group:<groupname> - Directs carts with players of a specified group
  • Ply:<playername> - Directs carts with a player who's name matches (name must be short enough to fit on the same line)
  • Plym:<partialname> - Directs carts with a player who's name contains the given string
  • Cart:<cartname> - Directs named carts whos name matches
  • Cartm:<partialcartname> - Directs named carts whos name contains the given string




See Also

  • CartLift - Like CartSort but sorts minecarts up or down.