Connection Issues

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When joining MinecraftOnline, you might encounter connection issues that make you unable to join. This article will show various fixes for the issues.

The general troubleshooting when you get disconnected is to wait for a few minutes and try rejoining, or to restart your Minecraft client.

You cannot connect to MinecraftOnline with a VPN/Proxy!

MinecraftOnline prohibits these external internet connection tools. Please do not attempt to use them.

If you have no clue: VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Proxy is an intermediate server between a server and your client, and is considered highly risky to use security-wise.

Connection reset by peer/Timed out

There is no real fix to this as this is a server or local internet issue. Just wait to join at another time. You can also keep rejoining to see if it works. However, you should not repeatedly rejoin excessively as it can end up spamming the in-game chat.

Internal server error


  1. Reboot your computer
  2. Try joining on vanilla Minecraft
  3. Uninstall all mods
  4. Delete and reinstall Minecraft

If you can join with an alternate account or/and the issue spans across multiple devices, this is a server issue and you need to ask an admin to load a backup of your player data.

Failed to login: The authentication servers are currently down for maintenance

1. The Mojang servers are genuinely down.

Fix: This won't happen frequently. If it does happen, wait. There should a tweet if this happens here.

2. Your client can't connect to Mojang authentication servers. (Most likely)

Fixes: [You should wait for some time, but if you want to test]

  1. Try again (in a different server).
  2. Check your internet connection to
  3. Restart game.
  4. Relog your account.
  5. Restart your launcher.

Failed to login: Invalid session (Try restarting your game and the launcher)

Fix: Pretty self-explaining. (The best way is to relog your account.)

[LP] A database error occurred whilst loading permission data. Please try again later. If you are a server admin, please check the console for any errors.

This may happen from the server itself timing out (although this is now rare) or when something went really wrong with the server or the server plugin LuckPerms. If the problem persists, ask a staff for troubleshooting.

Outdated protocol version / Blank error message

Players using VIA cross-version mods may get this error. This is mostly a timeout error, but any error could be occurring.

Fix: Try connecting again. If it does not work, launch the game as the same version as the server's version.