Ellie's Island Boat Route Data

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Reminder: if you just created this, please remember to add your boat route on Boat Routes!
Map link to first buoy listed in data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Ellie's Island Boat Route #006aff #000000

13971 62 10512 14024 62 10471 14058 62 10451 14073 62 10435 14086 62 10434 14146 62 10372 14148 62 10356 14152 62 10311 14171 62 10296 14233 62 10284 14288 62 10283 14451 62 10267 14516 62 10246 14533 62 10250 14579 62 10271 14633 62 10272 14755 62 10272 14793 62 10236 14829 62 10236 14895 62 10170 14917 62 10162 14953 62 10137 14964 62 10129 14989 62 10125 15013 62 10112 15022 62 10090 15028 62 10068 15043 62 10056 15061 62 10062 15074 62 10066 15090 62 10069 15112 62 10053 15128 62 10005 15164 62 9939 15236 62 9830