Finland General Assembly
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![]() Finland Flag | |
About | |
Leadership | ![]() |
Headquarters | Unknown |
Founded | 2020 |
Public? | No |
Status | Unknown |
Announcement: As of now, the FGA has been postponed indefinitely mostly due to the dissolution of the Finnish government
The Finland General Assembly (FGA) is a deliberative group made up of all citizens and owners with equal voting power that makes motions that govern Finland. Through parliamentary procedures, members may make statements, introduce motions, second motions, oppose motions, and vote on motions. Once a motion has made it through the procedure, it is passed into preferential Tier 3 force. The source of this authority comes from the bestowment of Tier 3 power to the FGA by jriver_15, a Tier 2 operator. The structure of the FGA is based off of that of the PopBob Sex Dupe Association. Meetings take place in the Finland Discord, but there is also an ingame meeting place in Finland near the portal.
Procedural Rules
All members in a meeting must abide by the below rules, and any motion legitimately passed by the FGA in session will follow this path:
Recognition: To get the Chairman's attention to do this, please react to his latest message with a :raised_hand: or similar emoji. When he chooses to, the Chairman will recognize you to speak along the lines of "<Name> you have been recognized" or "You have the floor, <name>" When you have finished your statement, please let the speaker know by appending your message with something along the lines of "Thank you, Mr. Chairman".
Making a motion: Once you have been exclusively recognized by the Chairman so that you solely have the floor, you may make a motion. Motions are the root of any action, decision, or policy that the FGA instates. An example of a motion would be “I move to change the lightbulb in the hall lamp”. A single motion could have multiple parts or things to be done or decided upon, but keep in mind that your fellow members will be approving or opposing the motion in its entirety. Once you have made a motion, you have given the floor back to the Chairman, so you do not have to say "Thank you, Mr. Chairman".
Seconding a motion: Once a member has made a motion, the Chairman will ask something along the lines of “Any Second?” If you have read their motion and agree with its implementation or approval in its entirety, you may send into chat at this point “I Second <Original mover’s (OM) name>’s motion” or “I second that motion” or just simply “I second”. Keep in mind that only one member other than the OM needs to second the motion for it to advance, and only the first person who seconds will be documented. So if you see someone else has seconded the motion, might as well hold off.
Opposing a motion: Once someone has seconded a motion, the Chairman will ask something along the lines of “Any Opposed?” If you have read the OM’s motion and do not think it should pass, whether that is because of a big issue or a small problem you see with it, you may send into chat at this point something along the lines of “I oppose the motion” or just “I oppose”. Same as with seconding, only one person needs to oppose a motion for it to go to discussion and then a vote, and only the first person to do so will be recorded. If no one opposes a motion, it passes.
Discussion surrounding a motion: If at least one person has opposed a motion, then the Chairman will announce something along the lines of: “The current motion is halted, we will now open the floor to discussion regarding the motion.” At this point, you may voice any problem you have with the motion or why you think the motion should pass. You may also engage in discussion with other members, but please, be orderly.
Voting on a motion: Once a chairman has deemed that the discussion surrounding a motion is settled, he will open the motion up to a vote. The vote will consist of three messages from the Chairman: “All those in favor of the motion, say yay” to which all those in favor say yay. After all yays the chairman will say,” All those opposed to the motion, say nay” tp which all opposed say nay. The chairman will then say “All those abstained, say present” to which all neutral parties regarding the motion will say "present". The chairman will then tally the results and announce them. At this point, you can request recognition for a different issue by using the emojis, and the process repeats.
The FGA was announced by jriver_15 on January the 21st as a resolution to the call for democracy started by Nightsteak and supported by many Finnish.
<jriver_15> As second of Command of Finland, I hereby announce the organization of the Finland General Assembly
<jriver_15> Its initial meeting shall take place on January 22nd, 2021, at 3:00pm GMT
After the announcements, Drdrs got to work building a hall for the meeting and completed it. Soon, it was time for the first meeting. jriver_15 set signs down in the hall empowering the Assembly and setting out its structure, with him as chairman.
Initial Meeting
Minutes: Chairman jriver initiates the meeting at 3:00 pm GMT on January the 22nd, 2021. HY_Turkic, Danthepilot02, Selimbits, Drdrs, NightSteak9, King_Aurora, 1235_John, and later r9q were also present at the meeting (9 total).
jriver_15 makes an opening statement.
HY_Turkic is recognized and moves to discuss new leadership for the city of Finland. NightSteak9 seconds the motion, is recognized to the discussion, and makes a statement.
Selimbits is recognized and moves to endow all citizens with Tier 3 Operator status. None second the motion, and so it fails.
5. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to NightSteak9's statement. NightSteak9 is recognized and responds to HY_Turkic's response. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to NightSteak9's response. Selimbits is recognized and responds to HY_Turkic's last response. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to Selimbit's response. NightSteak9 is recognized and responds to HY_Turkic's last response. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to NightSteak9's last response.
Selimbits is recognized, makes a final statement regarding HY_Turkic's last response, and officially leaves the meeting (8 present).
HY_Turkic is recognized and makes a statement. NightSteak9 is recognized and responds to this statement.
Nightsteak9 is recognized and makes a statement.
rq9 officially leaves the meetings (7 present).
10. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to NightSteak9's statement. NightSteak9 is recognized and responds to HY_Turkic's last response. jriver_15 responds to NightSteak9. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to jriver_15's response. jriver_15 responds to HY_Turkic's last response. HY_Turkic is recognized and asks a question regarding jriver_15's last response and the latter member answers (this happens twice in succession).
1235_John is recognized and makes a statement. jriver_15 responds to this statement.
1235_John officially leaves the meeting.
DanthePilot02 officially leaves the meeting.
HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to 1235_John's last statement.
15. King_Aurora is recognized, makes a statement, and moves to bring back the Catgirl Cafe. HY_Turkic seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
King_Aurora is recognized and moves to assign the task of rebuilding the Catgirl Cafe to himself as well as planning the placement of such a build across the Mutka River from the portal. HY_Turkic seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
HY_Turkic is recognized and moves to create a district in Finland in which he and Finland Operators will have perms to. After discussion, jriver_15 amends the motion and moves to allow HY_Turkic to section off a piece of land in which his district will be and for that sectioned to be approved for construction in the next meeting. King_Aurora seconds the motion, and none oppose. The motion passes.
King_Aurora is recognized and moves to approve a banner art museum in Finland. jriver_15 seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
jriver_15 moves to schedule the next FGA meeting for Friday the 29th of January, 2021 at 3:00 pm GMT. King Aurora seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
20. HY_Turkic ir recognized asks a question. jriver_15 responds.
jriver_15 moves to adjourn the meeting. King_Aurora seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes and the Initial meeting of the Finland General Assembly is adjourned at 4:40 GMT on January the 22nd, 2021.
Second Meeting
Minutes: Chairman jriver initiates the meeting on January 29th, 2021, at 3:00 pm GMT. Danthepilot02, Drdrs, NightSteak9, and later HY_Turkic, runarlogi. and King_Aurora were present at the meeting.
Old Business
jriver moves to review and accept the previous meeting's minutes (above). NightSteak initially opposes the approval. After discussion, he instead decides to second the motion, and none oppose. The motion passes.
HY_Turkic's presence is recognized.
NightSteak is recognized and makes a statement regarding FGAM1S16. jriver responds by suggesting the idea of editing that motion from last meeting. NightSteak is recognized and makes a statement. HY_Turkic is recognized and responds to this statement. NightSteak is recognized and responds to this response. HY_Turkic is recognized and agrees with NightSteak's latest response.
Pertaining to the previous discussion, jriver_15 moves to amend the motions FGAM1S15+16 to instead create and place the head of the planning and building of the Cafe to the Finland Cafe Commission. The Commission will be headed by a Commissioner who has perms to plan, build, and delegate perms to advance the building of such a Cafe in Finland. King_Aurora is granted a spot on the Commission, but is not necessarily the Commissioner. HY_Turkic seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
King_Aurora's presence is recognized.
After open discussion, jriver_15 moves to nominate the player ChivalricCode to be the Finland Cafe Commissioner to head the Finland Cafe Commission. The nominee in question must accept the nomination for the motion to go in any effect. [Editor's note: nomination accepted, but ChivalricCode has not yet taken office]. Danthepilot02 seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
NightSteak9 is recognized and responds to a statement made by King_Aurora in the open discussion. After some non-recognized dialogue, the Chairman decides to close the discussion.
jriver_15 calls HY_Turkic to the floor in regards to the sectioning off and approval of the former's division within Finland. HY_Turkic responds and announces no progress has been made.
HY_Turkic is recognized makes asks a question regarding his newly implemented Takadokia Bot.
jriver_15 moves to retroactively approve the implementation of the Takadokia Bot for use on the Finland Discord server. Danthepilot02 seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
jriver_15 moves to extend the period created in FGAM1S17 so that HY_Turkic may present his sectioned off area as Old Business in the next meeting. HY_Turkic seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
New Business
NightSteak9 is recognized and makes a statement regarding to the need for building restrictions. Several members interpret this as a motion.
Upon the Chairman's request for clarity, NightSteak9 moves to edit or remove pre-existing builds and enforce a building rule to only build structures that fit the Finland theme (rural spruce). jriver seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
King_Aurora's leave is recognized (6 members remain present).
jriver moves to schedule the next meeting for Friday the 12th, 2021, at 3:00 pm GMT. NightSteak9 seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes.
jriver moves to adjourn the meeting. HY_Turkic seconds the motion, and none oppose. The motion passes and the second meeting of the FGA is adjourned at 4:15 pm GMT on January the 29th, 2021.
If you would like to cite any specific part of the minutes or a motion from a FGA meeting (ie you are placing a sign saying you have perms to something and you are citing which motion gives you these perms), please us this format:
FGAM<meeting number>S<section number>
For example, take the motion from the Initial Meeting:
"King_Aurora is recognized and moves to assign the task of rebuilding the Catgirl Cafe to himself as well as planning the placement of such a build across the Mutka River from the portal. HY_Turkic seconds the motion, and none oppose it. The motion passes."
This motion comes from the first meeting of the FGA, so the first part of the citation would be M1. This excerpt is from the 16th paragraph in the minutes of that meeting, so its full citation would be FGAM1S16.