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Welcome to Insurance.mco

What are we?

We are a minecraft insurance company made by NickolasDiamond

What are we doing?

We ensure the safety of yours and your items *even your head* from:

  • Killers.


  • Lava Deaths.


  • Scammy trades or regretted ones.

How does this work?

You pay us a certain amount of diamonds every week and we store them in our hidden from non-customers HQ. We are bond to add a sign giving you perms to open the chest with your diamonds ONLY in the above mentioned situations, when and only if your situation is approved as covered. This gives you safety in case you have doubts for scamming & also gives us safety against theft intents. How does this guaranteed you safety? Simple, by the MCO rules.

How do you get the compensation from the insurance in case of mentioned happenings?

1) You must provide us through discord proof of any of those happenings occurred. 2) We validate the happening as covered or uncovered. 3) If covered you may go and get your diamonds from your chest!

Why have an insurance company on MCO?

Well...ever found a single diamond in your chest and wondered...hmmm a diamond, what can I do with it? Give it to us and that might save you a whole god tier armor or stacks upon stacks of diamonds in the future.

Plans to choose from

1) Against getting killed covering plan:

Cost: 25 diamonds/week (+5 diamonds as in insurance fee)

2) Against lava death covering plan:

Cost: 25 diamonds/week (+5 diamonds as in insurance fee)

3) Against scammy trades or regretted ones covering plan:

Cost: 30 diamonds/week (+7 diamonds as in insurance fee)

4) Bundle of 1+2+3:

Cost: 75 diamonds/week (+15 diamonds as in insurance fee) __cheaper option__

All plans require an upfront payment of 50 diamonds (including insurance fee) except the Bundle. Bundle requires 120 diamonds (including insurance fee).

NEW: Single item insurance. Love an item? Insure it. Price debatable depending on item value. Please contact us.


  • Insurance fee is our profit which incase of a happening you are not eligible to get.
  • In case we deem a case uncovered you wont be eligible to get your diamonds.
  • In case a theft conspiracy gets known or intended loses we are able to freeze your account and collecting all the diamonds in personal chests.