Leetly's first house

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green_houses.png leetly's first house
Leetly's first house.png

A screenshot of the entrance to leetly's first house.

Owner leetly
Contributors leetly
Category Houses
Underground? No
Public? Yes
Coordinates X=1280
Dimension Overworld
Map Link

getplayerhead.sh?leetly&16.png leetly's first house was built in November 2016. Despite the poor colour choice, various design elements of the house can be seen in leetly's more recent builds. After commencing work on Thurston, leetly lost the location of his first house and following a brief search of the live map, assumed the building was removed. By chance getplayerhead.sh?CaptainIceman&16.png CaptainIceman, a resident of the south-east region of MCO happened to find the building and forwarded the coordinates to leetly.