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Houses are the private residences of players. Houses typically serve as a base for players, but can also be nonfunctional. A player can have as many homes as they desire to build, and may or may not be part of a settlement.
Pages in category 'Houses'
The following 196 pages are in this category, out of 196 total.
- BanannaCam Hut 1
- BanannaCam Hut 10
- BanannaCam Hut 11
- BanannaCam Hut 12
- BanannaCam Hut 13
- BanannaCam Hut 2
- BanannaCam Hut 3
- BanannaCam Hut 4
- BanannaCam Hut 5
- BanannaCam Hut 6
- BanannaCam Hut 7
- BanannaCam Hut 7 (Fake)
- BanannaCam Hut 8
- BanannaCam Hut 9
- BierTown Headquarter Mountain
- BillShields Abstract House
- Blibblob's House
- Bunnytopia
- Cafe7 home
- Cafi95 Home
- Cakeville/Microcosms' House
- CaptainIceman's First House
- Casa Verrilli
- Casanuvola
- Case del PIPOZZ
- Catnip's Home and Missile Silo
- CaveHouse
- Circl lastname's House
- City hall of Enorgville
- Cnupdates' and TheMaxx's Spawn Base
- Comrmjh House
- Craborne House
- Crosher9999's Wooden House Cottage
- Crow Condos
- Crown's Landing Quarantined House
- Fallingwater
- Flame's Secluded Cabin
- Flamehaze97 Catini Catra Home
- Flamehaze97 Ice Spike Home
- Flamehaze97 Jibtopia Home
- Flamehaze97 Las Vereno Vacation Home
- Flamehaze97 Player Base
- Flamehaze97 Player Home DRPC
- Flamehaze97 Player Home NewAtlanta
- Flamehaze97 World Border Home
- Flank's Hut
- Fleming Manor
- Fraccu Spawn Home
- Freeman Silver Lake House
- Magenta Mansion
- Martin19 12's house
- Maurermz's spawn house
- Mayoral Mansion
- McBricks' Place
- MGLasagne's House
- Midgard Mead Hall
- Miercuri's villa
- Mindcrafter 's house
- Mindcrafter1995's house
- Miner49er House
- Mochaccino's Villa
- Mogg's Alpha 1.2 House
- Mosaic Mansion
- Mount Ormond Resort
- MrCurai North End Base
- Samblye House
- Sandtroopers House
- Scar&Lala
- Scar's Spawn Home
- Scarlet Devil Mansion
- Schmuu's House
- Scorpio10 House
- Shaver Island
- Shibodo's house
- Skyrunner65 House
- Smithy087 House
- Smokeytube's shack
- Snacktalk Spawn Watcher Cabin
- Snake's Manor
- Spacecoke House
- Sparkle Resort
- Sparkler Mountain
- Sparrowbarks & Fleaflearaj House
- SpeedSter's House
- Sprazz's Boathouse
- Sprazz's Dark Oak House
- Sprazz's Desert Villa
- Sprazz's Hunting Lodge
- Sprazz's Winter Home
- SSeraphicc's house
- Stanchristiaans base
- Stazja248 House
- Stranger's shelter
- Sunny Village