Maurerheim Boatroute Data

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Map link to first buoy listed in data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Maurerheim Route #d10f0f #90EE90

-22240 64 -904 -22227 64 -889 -22193 64 -855 -22177 64 -840 -22162 64 -837 -22136 64 -818 -22110 64 -776 -22076 64 -768 -22086 64 -633 -22107 64 -604 -22161 64 -573 -22213 64 -571 -22221 64 -546 -22232 64 -515 -22221 64 -462 -22260 64 -425 -22220 64 -390 -22190 64 -325 -22163 64 -283 -22153 64 -215 -22024 64 -203 -21975 64 -199 -21968 64 -165 -21919 64 -143 -21887 64 -94 -21862 64 -60 -21824 64 -6 -21817 64 34 -21780 64 97 -21748 64 70 -21701 64 118 -21671 64 143 -21637 64 193 -21619 64 217 -21572 64 264 -21540 64 309 -21509 64 371 -21501 64 437 -21478 64 501 -21453 64 538 -21420 64 595 -21408 64 656 -21389 64 736 -21368 64 803 -21314 64 923 -21279 64 981 -21233 64 1029 -21181 64 1069 -21130 64 1103 -21078 64 1148 -21036 64 1186 -21020 64 1287 -21000 64 1344 -20967 64 1370 -20913 64 1371 -20886 64 1414 -20866 64 1473 -20828 64 1528 -20794 64 1580