Mushiana Boat Route Data/Eternia Detour

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Map link to first buoy listed in data

One level up: Mushiana Boat Route Data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Eternia Detour #ffffff #f38baa

2454 63 10552 2438 63 10536 2422 63 10520 2406 63 10504 2390 63 10488 2374 63 10472 2358 63 10456 2339 63 10427 2346 63 9947 2346 64 9931 2346 64 9707 2346 64 9660 2339 64 9649 2314 64 9614 2302 64 9572 2331 64 9539 2359 64 9505 2387 64 9481 2424 64 9485 2413 64 9474 2390 64 9425 2344 64 9371 2312 64 9377 2265 64 9392 2233 64 9392 2201 64 9392 2169 64 9392 2145 64 9404 2123 64 9415 2110 64 9415 2113 64 9438 2083 64 9494 2069 64 9511 2061 64 9532 2056 64 9557 2037 64 9573 2000 64 9575 1983 64 9582 1937 64 9584 1910 64 9590 1907 64 9610 1891 64 9644 1874 64 9664 1871 64 9692 1849 64 9734 1810 64 9758 1783 64 9784 1756 64 9808 1704 64 9842 1674 64 9869 1650 64 9889 1625 64 9929 1603 64 9966 1595 64 9991 1598 64 10015 1602 64 10042 1623 64 10050 1652 64 10067 1674 64 10088 1682 64 10109 1687 64 10112 1689 64 10127 1690 63 10154 1693 63 10218 1684 63 10245 1677 63 10266 1661 63 10282 1645 63 10298 1629 63 10314 1613 63 10330 1597 63 10346 1581 63 10362 1565 63 10378