Mushiana Boat Route Data/Janlyn Branch

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Reminder: if you just created this, please remember to add your boat route on Boat Routes!
Map link to first buoy listed in data

One level up: Mushiana Boat Route Data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Mushiana Route - Janlyn Branch #ffffff

-10241 64 8358 -10274 64 8337 -10315 64 8299 -10340 64 8274 -10363 64 8277 -10374 64 8253 -10385 64 8219 -10406 64 8195 -10414 64 8178 -10408 64 8164 -10418 64 8144 -10434 64 8135 -10464 64 8131 -10483 64 8116 -10507 64 8115 -10524 64 8101 -10550 64 8098 -10569 64 8081 -10582 64 8052 -10588 64 8037 -10609 64 8032 -10613 64 8021 -10601 64 8001 -10621 64 7976 -10647 64 7993 -10654 64 8019 -10665 64 8021 -10685 64 8010 -10711 64 8026 -10732 64 8043 -10742 64 8055 -10757 64 8050 -10773 64 8031 -10788 64 8027 -10803 64 8017 -10822 64 8020 -10838 64 8029 -10838 64 8048 -10829 64 8071 -10833 64 8090 -10838 64 8103 -10846 64 8117 -10858 64 8117