Mushiana Boat Route Data/New Eden Branch

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Map link to first buoy listed in data

One level up: Mushiana Boat Route Data



Route Name Primary Colour Secondary Colour
Mushiana Route - New Eden Branch #ffffff

-6281 66 12929 -6312 64 12888 -6317 64 12823 -6304 64 12784 -6256 64 12752 -6192 64 12752 -6128 64 12752 -6064 64 12752 -6000 64 12752 -5936 64 12752 -5869 64 12753 -5803 64 12753 -5726 64 12753 -5645 64 12749 -5600 64 12746 -5542 64 12745 -5520 64 12764 -5480 64 12783 -5453 64 12768 -5437 64 12753 -5423 64 12768 -5398 64 12784 -5341 64 12817 -5300 64 12833 -5293 64 12855 -5276 64 12866 -5248 64 12872 -5201 64 12884 -5159 64 12892 -5139 64 12894 -5107 64 12832 -5114 64 12762 -5068 64 12731 -5020 64 12735 -4994 64 12716 -4972 64 12699 -4935 64 12699